More news on my attempt at a major buffy Marathon....
Buffy is over 6000 minutes long, that's a long time to watch them all...
I'd like to query all my attendants...
Q1: Have you seen EVERY episode already? or Conversely did you start/stop watching certain episodes?
Q2: Which were your favorite episodes
Q3: If I made this a 2 day sleepover could you attend? (It would involve massive tv watching fortitude!)
Q4: Do you work at a job where you could request certain days off if given enough notice?
That's all folks, looking forward to this fun marathon (and thank you to all of you who are going to make this happen with me, nothing is more fun than watching massive movie marathons with friends)
Buffy is over 6000 minutes long, that's a long time to watch them all...
I'd like to query all my attendants...
Q1: Have you seen EVERY episode already? or Conversely did you start/stop watching certain episodes?
Q2: Which were your favorite episodes
Q3: If I made this a 2 day sleepover could you attend? (It would involve massive tv watching fortitude!)
Q4: Do you work at a job where you could request certain days off if given enough notice?
That's all folks, looking forward to this fun marathon (and thank you to all of you who are going to make this happen with me, nothing is more fun than watching massive movie marathons with friends)
Q2: Cant recall names, pretty much the same ones eveyone else really liked (hush, et al,) and then there was the one where Xander stopped those undead dudes from blowing up the school.
Q3:possibly- it would depoend which days
Q4: I think so, although, I really really really want a new job, so I could always get my ass canned