lordy lordy. happy jesus ressurection everyone!!!!!!!
this last weekend was Rockabilly weekend here in the V-town, which i did not partake
i basically worked a bunch and went out to the divebar. there was lotsa good bands though!
i miss SafeHaven alot, i want her to come live with me.
i hope everyone likes my new picture, its pretty scary in all honesty. lol
this last weekend was Rockabilly weekend here in the V-town, which i did not partake

i miss SafeHaven alot, i want her to come live with me.
i hope everyone likes my new picture, its pretty scary in all honesty. lol


I think the new photo is very amusing, and I want safehaven to live with you too!

Memorial Day weekend bitch!!!!! Its on! so figure out something for us to do!