some say that when life gives you lemons make lemonade (where do they get the sugar?)

I say, when life gives you lemons squirt life in the eye with 'em!
when I watch a skateboarder wipe out I go "ouch" in my head. When i see someone eat it and faceplant on a razor scooter I laugh out loud. It never gets old.
Derntal Sthurgery sthucks. I can't feel my face but in a little while I know I am not gonna be happy.frown
I am experiencing a new found hatred for construction workers. No offense guys, but 5am, why? Start at 7:30 or 8 like the rest of us. Gawd. I can understand if it were in the summer and scorching mid day, but it will top out here at 66. Good thing I'm outta here today. smile
Note to self. When choosing a hotel in a different city (this time Phoenix) pick the one WITHOUT the bulldozers and backhoes in front of it. I think they are doing it on purpose. Who starts work at 5 am?
Still bored. Where can I buy a life? Is there like a holiday sale on them? All I see are dead computers and cables and junk.
Still looking for some excitement. Boredom and ennui are not for me.
I tried t but someone sniped me....damn hackers..wink
Bored to tears. Too bored to even sleep. Ugh.
I wish. Waiting for material...All I can think of is the lyrics for Longview...

Sit around and watch the tube,but nothing's on
Change the channels for an hour or two
Twiddle my thumbs just for a bit
I'm sick of all the same old shit
In a house with unlocked doors
And I'm fucking lazy

Peel me off this velcro seat and get me moving
I sure as hell can't do it by myself
I'm feeling like a DOG IN HEAT
Barred indoors from the summer street
I locked the door to MY OWN CELL
And I lost the key

Bite my lip and close my eyes
Take me away to paradise

Sit around and watch the phone,but no one's calling
Call me pathetic,call me WHAT YOU WILL
My mother says to get a job
But she don't like the one SHE'S got
When masturbation's lost its fun
You're fucking lazy
Getting ready for night 2 of the Pixies at the Fox. Last night rocked. I got rocked too (Maker's Mark and Stella). I had to be carried/helped up the stairs evidently. No one can prove it with photographic evidence (and we had a camera handy for the show) so it is all circumstantial evidence. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Evidently you can't comment in the hopefuls group about models bashing models. People take things to mean something completely different than they were meant and get all bitchy. I was a member at SG YEARS ago like in 02 or 03 and people ASSume that since I rejoined that I am new. I am thinking of having my girl model but with all the bashing...
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Palo, you are 100% correct, SHE will be the one deciding. We are open and I am sure she is of the quality to make it looks and bodywise and she already has 2 full sets with themes and creativity and an artistic hand. All shot with pro level gear. It will be up to her.

I am just here to have fun and she encourages it. She knows where I will be sleeping tonight and she considers the femal form a work of art. So maybe I will go just look at women and not read some of the boards. I agree, there are some HORRIBLE hopeful sets that come in, I just question the level of professionalism and courtesy with which some of the "critiques" were delivered. I also question some of the sets that were bought by SG. There are a few real butterface SG's (not saying Miro or Social) and I am not going to start bashing girls who have gone pink, but some have really poor bodies, bad form, no vision or artistic theme to their sets etc., yet they get bought. But almost all the time they are beautiful so I guess I can't complain.

And Palo, (I am not sucking up at all) but you have beautiful eyes and curves in your sets. pic 3 of "Break Here" is a stunning example of beautiful eyes.