So my small dissertation on the proper telling of the "Can't eat your cake..." saying was well received by maybe... one person, but never the less, I have decided that every couple of days instead of just rambling on about how my day went or what I'm feeling, I would instead give a little bit of trivia or unusual fact for your enjoyment (or indifference as the case may be!) Sometimes it may be a fun bit of movie history, sometimes a science fact (like this upcoming weekend's bit of nano technology talk.)
For today, and for all you old classic film buffs, here's a bit of interesting trivia to fool your friends with:
Anytime comedians or movie actors and commercials do an impersonation of the late great Humphrey Bogart, they always imitate him doing that one famous line in his unique and unforgettable voice saying, "Play it again Sam." Funny thing is, Bogart never said this line...EVER!
The line is attributed to him from the classic 1942 movie 'Casablanca', but if any of you have ever seen the movie all the way through you would know that it wasn't him that said the line, but his co-star Ingrid Bergman who said to Sam the piano player, "Play it, Sam."
Yay! We learn something new, and for those of you who already knew this, well, you can't eat your cake and have it too!

come on.
it'll be fun.