So, I don't know if anybody bothered to read my previous entry (besides two people) regarding the experience known as There, but if you haven't, you should, and you really need to check out There. It will change your online life!

Especially anybody who has ever read Neal Stephenson's "Snow Crash", this is what he was talking about; about the 'Metaverse'. This is...
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You guys really should check this There out by the way...while it's still free. It's currently in Beta Test since January of this year, but as soon as it is out of Beta... monthly subscription fee... but it will STILL be SO worth it!

[Edited on May 25, 2003]
hey gensh
I went There, but they didn't like me. I had them check my computer components and I guess I need to upgrade my video card. facisits.
just kiddin.

yeah but it sounds like you had fun there. damn you and your robot lovin' ways!
Still have not heard if my group will be approved... so sad, so very sad. frown

And as addicting as suicidegirls is, I have been spending most of my time at There.com. smile

And if you haven't been there or do not know what it is, you need to go There now!

Imagine an online community of people that share interests, groups, music,etc. (much like suicidegirls)....
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oh my god that is either too cool or too creepy, I'm still not sure which. I couldn't do something like that because I'd never leave the computer.
wow, i went to that link you posted, and you know ive been told by my doctor a few times he thought i had a slight heart murmer, but then again other doctors never noticed it. thats great news to me tho because that site says that some drs can mistake it as that, and the fact that it says its no life threatening isnt giving me an anxiety attack. hahaha i was so afraid id read it and then freak out cuz it would be something horrible. i guess ill have to as a doctor next time i see one. ive never told any doctors about my a.nxiety attacks, i dont have insurance and such.

i give up...

Just out of idle curiosity, have you ever read The Tale of Genshi?
Ah, this was me misremembering something. The book is the Tale of Genji, not Genshi. Sorry about that.
So dear reader, let me ask you, would you be interested in a group about Robots? Why? I have applied twice now to have my own group and so far have not heard back. And though I didn't want to unveil my idea for a group here in this journal, maybe some feed back would help me in this endevour.

Below is the description I...
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Well love, it sound like you have a good case for a intresting board topic. I'm sure you could have an ongoing discussion about the advances and repercussions (sp?) of having a domesticated robot society but I don't know if you would have much to do with it as a SG group. what other journal topics would you have? what kind of photosets? (obviously of robots, but is that all?) what kind of events would you have? I'm not trying to downpour on your parade but think about those things and let me know what you think.

also, I love how I'm always the first person (besides you) to post to your journal, hmm must be because I have no life outside of SG. "I WILL NOT interact with the outside world, I don't wanna!"
[Also posted on Koleeta's journal]

So how about the Thucydides group which is about:
"Some say Herodotus was the father of history, but this group is devoted to the idea it was in fact Thucydides."

Now, I actually studied Ancient Greek History and Philosophy so I would be mildly interested in the Thucydides group, but how is that so much more relevent than my group on Robots here on the sg site, especially with all the sci-fi and Matrix buffs on this site? Oh just because the owner of Thucydides happens to work for SG? What photos could he have? I already have tons of photos of REAL robots ready to go! What current (televised or not) events are there for the Thucydides group to share in? There are currently about 7 different real robotic shows on TV and hundreds of events every year just in the U.S. alone! And the Thucydides group deals in ancient history that many people won't get or won't care about (unless there's some subversive hidden meaning I'm missing) but my group, as I said in my description, deals with something that you may not think is relevent to your life right now, but it will be... look how much time you spend on your computer right now, were you or anyone else you know on the computer this much 10 years ago? If someone told you 10 years ago that computers are going to be a very important part of your daily life would you have believed them?

And there are many groups on this site that are just kinda silly (I won't mention names) and some that would actually tie in with my group like the code_monkey group and the FreeNix group and any of the philosophy groups...I don't know... see how you got me started? winkSorry for the rambling on.

[Edited on May 18, 2003]

[Edited on May 18, 2003]

[Edited on May 18, 2003]

I'm sorry you feel that way. I'm sure this doesn't apply to that thing about tryin to give us intresting information, unless there's something symbollic about "arrggg!" that I don't know about. hmm....
biggrin hello.

So my small dissertation on the proper telling of the "Can't eat your cake..." saying was well received by maybe... one person, but never the less, I have decided that every couple of days instead of just rambling on about how my day went or what I'm feeling, I would instead give a little bit of trivia or unusual fact for your enjoyment (or...
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Just one note on the eating and having of cake: if the cake is consumed with enough tequila, you will almost certainly have it again. smile
you ever gonna come on out with us?
come on.
it'll be fun.
So, after all these years I just realized that, though I love bananas and banana creme pie, I hate banana flavored food! I just tried a banana flavored ice cream and puke

On another note, I have a silly pet peeve I need to get off my chest (and please forgive this rant). This is much easier to explain in person but I'll try here:

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no sweat-xaq
so do you work on music for a living? I tried the "startup studio" thing a while back - on the east coast, with not much luck - so for now its just a super fun hobby...

did you get a chance to check out my tracks? I have some "released" stuff that I did a while back working with a SF DJ named Robbie Hardkiss or "littlewing"- its on the Hardkiss label. Anyway, let me know what you think - I want to hear some more of your stuff!
So, I came to this site from nerve.com and was very impressed. All these girls are so cool to show the world that they can be young, beautiful and still be smart and kick ass! I say, suicidegirls should take over the world and put the rest of us in our place!

kiss wink wink wink for you my sweet dj! good afternoon
kiss gentle
LMAO K B toys...Can you belive it...the reason i sighed is because I don't like wearing belts...All my pants fit...don't need them...smile
kiss gentle