Monday Dec 19, 2005 Dec 19, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email Well I'm going home tomorow for a sweet ass punk show HTHC fo life baby then were going sleading after words by the legion! So yes I will post many a picture of it afterwords why I'm posting this in a journal with only 1 "friend" now I dont know VIEW 5 of 5 COMMENTS lucy: Welcome to the site, arch nemesis of the Almighty FreakPirate. I can help you, you know. I'm bigger than him and I pound on him a lot. I could give him some extra pounding from you, since Nova Scotia is somewhat far from Ontario. Let's make a deal... Dec 20, 2005 gabrielurmen: Gwahahaha I have an ally in my eternal struggle against FreakPirate deal is made Dec 21, 2005
Sunday Dec 18, 2005 Dec 18, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email So yeah welcome to my first 24 hours of being on Suicide Girls woot thank you to drugsforthekids for the help. I'm off to see all the ladies VIEW 8 of 8 COMMENTS freakpirate: And don't consider this friends request a sign that I like you or even acknowledge your puny existance. Keep your enemies close and whatnot... Dec 19, 2005 gabrielurmen: Indeed friends close enemies closer and that jazz. Dec 19, 2005