and you thought i was gone for good huh? hahahahaha fuck your couch!
um...hmm...lots changed round here.
i missed boobs and asses with tattoos. can you ever get enough? i think not.
um...i'm not single. i've been dating a girl for about 4 months and for whatever reason
i decided (with her) that it would be a good idea to move in together. the cali move
got pushed back a year, at least. motherfucker.
the dog is still fucking nuts.
pepsi jazz (strawberries and cream) is the fucking whip.
i have a new car. not "new" but you get the idea. i no longer get eyed by the cops.
cross country trip is in major order. have a few peoples i need to call and get appointments with here like quick.
jamey will be a walking ink magnet.
well thats it for now.
miss me?
rather than update i'll add to that ok with everyone? no? oh well fuck you.
that is the girl and i drunk at the bar. go figure.
dude, i just briefly went through the sets. damn i have a lot to go through. fuck.
i lost my train of thought. a creditor called and i just spent a half an hour talking to them setting shit up. fuck i hate debt.
to be continued...kinda like the weight scale after your mom steps on it.
oh so i remember where i was trying to head. (i said head)
so for those of you who have gotten to know me over the past few years...i've decided to let my inner asshole take over for a while. its been fun letting him out. things i've done and said over the past few months have definitely been funny to at least me and i am all that matters. current stories involve me getting headbutted over me being an asshole and actually make a girl in my group of friends not hang out with us anymore simply cause she called me a fag. eh, oh well. i've been becoming increasingly savage with my sarcasm and whatever else i have at my disposal. my friends have also taken a liking to this side of me because pretty much no one is safe and i've been making them laugh hysterically for the past few months. hmm...who knew i could be an asshole?
thats actually how i got the current girlfriend. i wonder if she'll leave me if i let this fade? hmm....
so...the past few months have been quite a ride. i'm making a huge sacrifice in plans of mine to move in with a girl. i remember saying i wouldnt do that for anyone anymore. oops. i'm moving with a girl i feel like i barely know and i really do barely know her. i find out more and more as time goes on and i feel at least partly like there are some huge differences. i'm scared to ask questions. some of the answers i feel like i really dont want to know. she is just so willing to throw me trust. i hold back on most of the trust. she doesnt know that but i do. i'm throwing my usual " must have control and must have answers" out the door. i'm riding this out without even trying to get a total grip on it. its a classic "dude meets chick at bar, dude and chick hang out, dude and chick decided it would be a good idea to move in together" thing. 4 months. dude thats nuts. i know its nuts. but, i'm doing it anyway. its not like i've been talking to this girl for a while before we hung out like i've done before. this is just straight up the unknown. dive in headfirst and try not to get carried away by the undertow. have fun, swimming in shark water. whats worse is she was all " i love you" and i again was like umm...what? part of me the nondouchebag asshole side otherwise known as mr.emo decided "you love her dude" so i've been saying it and i honestly partially do but how do you really have a tight bond with someone you barely talk to and barely see? so i say it and try to feel it hoping that i will when we live together and i let go of all the other possiblities.
its good to be back. i missed this place and you guys.
um...hmm...lots changed round here.
i missed boobs and asses with tattoos. can you ever get enough? i think not.
um...i'm not single. i've been dating a girl for about 4 months and for whatever reason
i decided (with her) that it would be a good idea to move in together. the cali move
got pushed back a year, at least. motherfucker.
the dog is still fucking nuts.
pepsi jazz (strawberries and cream) is the fucking whip.
i have a new car. not "new" but you get the idea. i no longer get eyed by the cops.
cross country trip is in major order. have a few peoples i need to call and get appointments with here like quick.
jamey will be a walking ink magnet.
well thats it for now.
miss me?
rather than update i'll add to that ok with everyone? no? oh well fuck you.
that is the girl and i drunk at the bar. go figure.
dude, i just briefly went through the sets. damn i have a lot to go through. fuck.
i lost my train of thought. a creditor called and i just spent a half an hour talking to them setting shit up. fuck i hate debt.
to be continued...kinda like the weight scale after your mom steps on it.
oh so i remember where i was trying to head. (i said head)
so for those of you who have gotten to know me over the past few years...i've decided to let my inner asshole take over for a while. its been fun letting him out. things i've done and said over the past few months have definitely been funny to at least me and i am all that matters. current stories involve me getting headbutted over me being an asshole and actually make a girl in my group of friends not hang out with us anymore simply cause she called me a fag. eh, oh well. i've been becoming increasingly savage with my sarcasm and whatever else i have at my disposal. my friends have also taken a liking to this side of me because pretty much no one is safe and i've been making them laugh hysterically for the past few months. hmm...who knew i could be an asshole?
thats actually how i got the current girlfriend. i wonder if she'll leave me if i let this fade? hmm....
so...the past few months have been quite a ride. i'm making a huge sacrifice in plans of mine to move in with a girl. i remember saying i wouldnt do that for anyone anymore. oops. i'm moving with a girl i feel like i barely know and i really do barely know her. i find out more and more as time goes on and i feel at least partly like there are some huge differences. i'm scared to ask questions. some of the answers i feel like i really dont want to know. she is just so willing to throw me trust. i hold back on most of the trust. she doesnt know that but i do. i'm throwing my usual " must have control and must have answers" out the door. i'm riding this out without even trying to get a total grip on it. its a classic "dude meets chick at bar, dude and chick hang out, dude and chick decided it would be a good idea to move in together" thing. 4 months. dude thats nuts. i know its nuts. but, i'm doing it anyway. its not like i've been talking to this girl for a while before we hung out like i've done before. this is just straight up the unknown. dive in headfirst and try not to get carried away by the undertow. have fun, swimming in shark water. whats worse is she was all " i love you" and i again was like umm...what? part of me the nondouchebag asshole side otherwise known as mr.emo decided "you love her dude" so i've been saying it and i honestly partially do but how do you really have a tight bond with someone you barely talk to and barely see? so i say it and try to feel it hoping that i will when we live together and i let go of all the other possiblities.
its good to be back. i missed this place and you guys.
You know if I met them I'd pour gasoline over their heads and set them on fire... but punchin em in the face is good too I guess.