Life is a cycle of repeated failures until you figure out how to make it work for you. I have no idea how to stop my cycle. And I’m tired of trying. Tired of being alone. Tired of putting in work and getting nothing. Tired of being used. Tired of missing home. Tired of going places and feeling alone, even in a room full of...
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Today i'm sleep and speek in my had... "Life is a cycle and i need open the work cycle,  i'm no happy..  I need!  Stop is good"
Bad moments of your life generate the good moments; sadness give happiness... YOU are the most important person in your life, you got to appreciate yourself the way you truly are, and you'll be able to love the world and the people around you.. that's never easy to feel yourself alone, but karma is there, and all the work you've done will be soon reward... It's hard I know, but life is amazing, the cycle will be broken soon and everything will be fine <3

Was a progressive year this year. I switched jobs. Made more money this year than I have ever. Almost financially stable now. Got a car. Went to San Diego. Came home for the holidays. Became the main tenant on my lease. Kicked out shitbags. Got promoted at work. Etc...

Downsides: gained weight and only got tattooed 3 times.

In other news: still single.😂


I started my new job this week. It's going well so far. My only issue is getting up like 3-4 hrs earlier than normal. I was on my old schedule for years. So waking up at 6:30 is killing me. But I really think this job is gonna work out. It's nerve racking to change jobs after you've been somewhere for so long. But it...
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It's hard losing a friend :( And don't hurry into dating if you're not ready, do it when you are :3 

I've been Arizona for five years and some change. It's been a trip. Lots of ups and downs. Lots of changes both personally and around me. Now I'm about to make a huge change professionally. I'm leave my current job that I've been at 4.5 years for a new start. It's a good bump in pay with way less stress. I'm pretty stoked. It's time...
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I find myself going through phases in life. I've come back to this site countless times. I'll stop paying and go away and then come back to it. Age 22 I finally decide to become a member and it becomes one of the best things I ever become apart of. Now at age 35 it's nostalgic. Well I'm back. Let's see what happens.

There is a juxtaposition happening right now in my life. So much is going right for me in so many ways, I am so happy for the little things that are happening around me but two very big things are not what I would like them to be for me anymore. Work used to be fun and I used to enjoy the people I had...
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i like your username biggrin
I once ran into someone sitting by the side of the street in New York with a box and a sign that just said "fucked." So I gave her twenty bucks, which she really appreciated, but now I wonder if there was more I could have done. That's what I think of when I see your username.

You can't un-do what you did. You can't make her see you the way she did before. You can't make up for disloyalty in the past with loyalty in the presentthe past is already written. If you want to make things right, first of all accept that it may be impossible. And second, stop expecting anything positive out of her. Stop hoping she will ever forgive you. Stop wishing that she would smile at you. If you can't live without those things, you don't love heryou just have a dependency on her. If you do love her, what that really means is that you want her to be happy, no matter what, whether it's with you, with someone else, or alone. And you want her not to suffer.

So stop doing anything that causes her suffering, no matter how small. And only do things that she actually appreciates from you; if you do something, and it's clearly unappreciated, stop doing it. Let your own ego out of the equation: love is not about you. It's not about getting something. Love is about two things only: restraining yourself from causing harm, and doing welcome kindness.
Next up a week off work paid. Time to do some soul searching