This makes me wish I lived in a different age. We don't seem to have genuine heroes any more.

Of course to have genuine heroes back then you also needed to have massive class differences upheld by huge amounts of deference and huge, global crises that caused the deaths of millions. I guess now isn't all bad, I just don't like the cynicism.
Ooh! Very nice. Have you been to Stanfords on Long Acre? The floor in the basement is a map of London.

I might have to print out that article and read it in bed smile
Ooh, I love Stanfords. If it wasn't retail I would work there all day. Just talking to people about maps. How lovely would that be *drool* biggrin How are you doing, anyhow?
Isn't it strange how people change.
I never liked you anyway.
Thanks chick. Would you give your missus a hug for me? x
my boyfriend is the best boyfriend ever whereas you are apparently the best in the world = two different titles! i'm sure you can peacefully co-exist..?
I've been thinking. That's always dangerous.

Today as I walked up Kingsway I passed a girl who was perhaps in her late teens dressed in traditional Muslim garb kneeling on the pavement staring at the floor and rocking slowly back and forth. Now as I study in central London I pass homeless people almost every 5 minutes when I walk about and I have long...
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my favourite building is st pauls' cathedral. I think its truly stunning.
This has to be one of the more interesting blogs that I have stumbled across in quite some time.

Personally I dislike London. I find it to be cold, unfeeling, detached, and filthy. I'm just not a London person, but we can't all be the same and kudos to those who can stomach it.
Yet London does have some absolutely beautiful buildings and structures that are very much worth seeing and appreciating.

It's a shame when a buildings sense of history gets stripped away though.

I agree that there are no easy answers, how far into your course are you?
I haven't got a lot to say right now. Have a tune.
That is true. Boobage is nice. x
A truly epic weekend. At some point I will have to work out how to pay for it but that can wait.

I love the gals and guys of SGUK.
Heidelberg is gorgeous! Not that i got to see much more of it than the view from my hotel room though...

Also turns out the manager i went with got sacked the day after i got back. I've been told i had nothing to do with it though! i didn't! i swear!

The KCL war studies department is in 'Private Eye' this week - all to do with how the vice president of the department has something to do with Iraq and the MoD and the MoD are now even doing checks on prospective war studies academic staff. Sounds a bit dodgy to me...
As I am going out with some of the horrible people from SGUK tonight and tomorrow I probably shouldn't have gone and got a little drunk with the people from my course last night. This weekend is going to kill me. biggrin
Thank you again, your sofa was way nicer than some of the drug dens I've kipped in in the past. wink x
So...still alive?

Shop at Kwik Save and you make a good saving
Difference in prices is truly amazing
Chips from the freezer come in very big portions
Down our end you get fantastic reductions

You're a cheeky sod
You've changed the odds
Well if that's what you want

Get your op, you'll be shopping in Sainsbury's
Look so good all the people won't phase you
They'll all...
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Mansun are fucking awesome.

It's tragic that they get lumped in with most of the other mid 90s Britpop dross.
I will quite happy do karaoke to any Mansun b side.
Does every sovereign state have an inalienable right to acquire its own nuclear weapons?

Answers on a postcard please.
My misses ^^^ Secretary bought this question to my attention. She didn't think this was a good question but the fact it leaves so much room for expansion makes it almost far too challenging. Trying to get that into what I assume is a University essay (3000 words?) is rediculously hard. It needs a trilogy of works.

Firstly, what constitutes a state? Do Kosovo and Georgia have the same right as the UK and France seeing as they are not recognised by the UN security Council but have de-facto statehood because of a friend on said Council. What if the Basque Seperatists or Hezbolah or the Muslim Brotherhood, organisations that enjoy huge support within their own state, in some cases supplementing state services such as education etc. want the nuclear weapon? What of suprastate structures such as the EU and what of the UNs principal of mutual defence, where one could argue that an attack on 1 is an attack on all? Surely any state theoretically within the UN already has a nuclear defence because of this principal?

Furthermore, who/what defines what is 'right'. Even the UN Declaration on Human Rights is not universally subscribed to because of 3 states for various reasons, and one could argue that this is the most broad, basic and elementary attempt to introduce a universal law for the world. Iran constantly uses the argument that it has a right to pursue nuclear technology under the Non-Proliferation Treaty, which it does so long as for peaceful reasons. France also tested nuclear weapons against the wishes of the Superpowers during The Cold War. Yet, a simple look at the UN Security Council permanent members, and therefore those weilding the veto ,will quickly show that those with the veto have the nuclear weapon. Thus aspiring countries such Brazil, India, Israel, S. Africa et. al are left with the simple conclusion that to be considered a serious state/player in this anarchic world, you must have nuclear weapons.

Fundamentally, you have to arrive at the simple realist conclusion that those with power decide what is right. Therefore, the countries with a massively vested interest in keeping the balance of power how it is are likely to decide that it is 'right' not to have nuclear weapons as it threatens the world 'order' as we know it today. This is very much a stereotypical realist view admittedley, but it has merit.

I think, finally you'll be pleased to know, it is important to decide whether nuclear weapons are a weapon that is offensive or defensive. Surely every nation has the right to defend itself, even the most basic Just War Theory or Jihad allows for defensive action? Since then The Bush Doctrine has also broadened this to allow for pre-emptive strikes. Why is it so wrong (in the literal sense, not because right and wrong is decided by the powerful) for Iran to acquire the nuclear weapon if it feels it is about to be invaded? After all, who would invade a country with a weapon at it's disposal that could wipe you out. Much of Israeli defence policy is based on the fact that if Israel falls, nuclear weapons are to be deployed en-masse against all enemies of the state. Is that offensive of defensive?

It has been suggested that in order to ensure world peace we should give all states the nuclear weapon as all rational states would not start a war with another state that possessed the nuclear weapon. But firstly this assumes all states act rationally and in the interests of their peoples, which one could argue is not the case. Furthermore, it also excludes NGO's that tend to operate over a couple of territories without having a definative and recognised state boundary. Is it right to Nuke Afghanistan if Al-Qaeda acquires the nuclear bomb?

I think I'd like to conclude with Ciceros' comments on war. "Let he who hopes for peace prepare for war". Using this analogy it seems right to use the nuclear weapon against a populus who simply are seen not to share the views of a dominant state because they do not conform to said states views of the world. A powerful state may think all citizens should be free, democracy rules and that rights should be protected, but another state may think an individuals rights can be ignored for the good of the community. Isn't this indeed the principal behind Marshall Law in the West? Talk about some good old fashioned Romanic traditions of giving power to a dictator in time of need. Why not Nuke the countries that disagree and force peace?

Nuclear weapons have undoubtedley challenged the previous equilibrium in which a state could use superior conventional arms to make itself dominant. But one could argue whether nuclear weapons are more bluff than substance. For a threat to be reasonable it must be credible. To what extent can you realistically threaten to use a nucelar bomb and be taken seriously? For that reason nukes have never been taken seriously as an offensive weapon since the atomic version was used on Japan, when the novelty and innovative use of a new weapon was indefensible and arguably quickened the end of the war.

This leads me to argue (quickly and sometimes simplistically) that nuclear weapons must be defensive. Because every state must have the right to defend itself every state must have the rights to nuclear weapons. Now, if only I could decide what constitutes a state... lol.

This is me mostly just thinking, which is nice since I left University, but I hope it provides some useful thinking points smile
^^^ Yeah, I thought he'd be able to give you a better answer than I could! x
My first lecture of the year tomorrow. It feels like I haven't been at uni for ages.
I know that feeling.
My first lecture isn't until the 26th.

5 weeks i Have been off... Driving me mad!
So I handed my essay in on Monday, won the pub quiz that night and then took an exam yesterday. Last night I got drunk and watched live comedy for the first time.

I would say that is a pretty good week so far.
I'm two out of four of those. My essay is in, and I saw live comedy this week.
Thanks for coming, glad you enjoyed, and as for your first time I hope we were gentle.
I have an exam on Wednesday and it is not snowing enough for it to be cancelled. How come every other part of the country has snow and yet London seems to be escaping the worst of it?

I've been brilliant at procrastinating over the holidays and it doesn't seem to be stopping now. I also have an essay which is either due this Monday...
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Hey, be safe in the knowledge most of it is melting, so I doubt many of us can slack off lol
Yeah - that will be what happens. I just need someone to refer me to the correct department so I can get tests done.

Happened for over 2 years once - where they kept thinking I had glandular fever (I didn't) and I had tonsilitius. In the end some new doctor had a fit becasue he accused me f damaging my own ear drums. If he had bothered to look at my medical records, he'd have seen I peferated them at age 11 and had appointments ever 6 months at ENT until I was 16.

So anyway - mad new doctor sent me to ENT - they said. 'Nothing wrong with your ears, they always look like that. but your tonsils are rock solid and we will take them out in 2 days'. I was 19. nice.

I expect an alien to pop out of my stomach before anyone does anything about the pain!

Good Luck with your exam tomorrow!