Bonjour SGites!

As I'm still very new to the site and many lovely fellow SGers ask me what I do I thought I'd introduce some of my work with a poem ( as that's mainly what I do). This is one I wrote this one ages ago, but since it's called 'Strip Tease' I thought it appropriate.

Let me show you I can write a...
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Good poem - reminds me of old-fashioned slide-lamps, with the candle and glass plates.

(you missed an 's' in the first sentence. And there's no 'e' in 'noir' tongue wink )
Hey thanks for the ADD! So where are you from?
I found this old poem I wrote when I was moving back to Ottawa from after living in Toronto for 2 years.

Last night was my company Christmas party and I'm really hung over. Since I just left my job it feels accurate right now. Enjoy!

Two-Tone Parting
Current mood: contemplative

bare legs all tangled up
on dirty oak veneer
unfulfilled dust-bunny dreams
congregate to...
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Thats great poetry. My impression when I was reading it was you were in a not so good mood feeling a bit melancoly and wanting. Just my thoughts its good poetry though. Thank you for the friendship request I look forward to reading more of your work and getting to know you smile
Every once in a while I am blessed with the oportunity to meet a truly talented person who just amazes me. This is soo good. It makes me think, it makes me long, and it makes me regret. Will you give us more please?
2 weeks ago

a chippendale dancer

took his life

i'm sure he was

[at some point]

a beautiful person

i guess i'll never know

he had 4 cars

and a mansion in vegas

with one room dedicated

to jewellery cleaning

celine dion was his neighbour

my guess is he

owed whoever paid for

his house and cars

a lot of money or

sexual favours

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Unfortunate that your friend had to suffer this loss.
to: noneofyourbusiness@rogers.com
from: farrah@hotmail.com
subject: what a wicked thing to do, make me dream of you

today felt like it dragged on for about 3 weeks.

i'm seriously considering dressing up as a hooker and walking the streets in the hope that you'll pick me up, slap some handcuffs on, get a little rough as you bend me over the hood, then have your way...
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shocked smile
Something I wrote yesterday. Have patience, it gets steamy.

In the dim theater, one foot on the seat in front, the other intricately placed between his legs, he rubbed my upper thigh hidden beneath the extra sweater I brought precisely for that purpose. I began to wonder if we could get a refund on the movie tickets, despite the film being half way done. Not...
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wow, what a great read! i was hanging on every word. to be continued i hope. smile
That was intense. Wonderful.
To: noneofyourgoddamnbusiness@rogers.com
From: farrah@hotmail.com
Subject: your voice and other plesantries--A List

1. your smell (not your 'angel' cologne, but your musk....especially after the gym)

2. your guiltly love for meat

3. your touch (moreso the shivers that coincide with the brush of one of your delicious fingers)

4. you in toronto.

5. your breath (on the back of my neck when saying goodnight, or inhaled...
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Anyone know what the attraction ito G is these days?

Is it like...'GEEE, I think it would be fun to blow 30 bucks on cover and 20 for this cap full of liquid date rapists use when temporarily knocking out their victims while having their way with them'?.

Or perhaps it stands for, 'Gee, I think it'd be cool to sprawl out on a couch...
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I don't really understand my friend's affinity for K for the exact same reason. "I'd like to lose all of my motor skills and see if my 120 pound friend can carry my 200 pound body to the cab."

Send Donald out this way again when you're done with him. I only see him at Bumbershoot these days.

Thank Glaude it's Friday.

Donald Glaude that is...this sick godfather of house DJ that's spinning at my club tomorrow night. The boys are finishing the last of the renovations this aft...weeeeee...new lights, new lounge, new floors, new furniture....tomorrow night is going to be CRAZY.

Tonight I've got some band I've never heard of at Capital, but it'll be nice to work alone for the first...
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since i just joined and don't want to continue seeing "no journal entries" or whatever it says, i'm going to write this little blab about nothing just to fill space.

but isn't that what the majority of what online journal entries are? mindlessness used to fill time/space?

you could go a step further and say the majority of websites PERIOD are mindlessness with the sole...
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welcome - enjoy the show
Hi, and welcome. wink