This question resonates within my soul. Since I was a small muppet, beverages have played a central part in my upbringing.
From the ages of 6 to 10, I would always forgo offers of juice or flavoured milk from my friend's parents in favour of plain old water.
When I was 10, however, I entered a kind of premature teenage angst, and I would stay
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I was "ghosted" by a boy recently. It wasn't pleasant, and I would not recommend anyone else dare try it. It only leaves the recipient at a loss... for words, closure, etc.
For context, I was having a drink at a bar with two friends (one of them a boy I've had interest in for a few years). All was going swimmingly in my favour;...
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Any tips and tricks from fellow depression and anxiety sufferers to put the black dog to sleep for a bit?
What has made you feel good this week?
Well, well, well... I finally pulled my finger out and made an effort on here. That's one... right?
Haha, but in all seriousness, today has made me feel good. And it was nothing like attention from a boy, or a snazzy piece of clothing that did it. In fact, it was looking to be a really crappy
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I've had a bit of a "lower and lower" kind of month...
Body confidence isn't coming easily... maybe winter is getting to me... i don't know.
Thanks for your patience, SG. Xxx