sort of getting settled into a routine.
getting back from a whirlwind vacation and jumping right into a new house/car/roommates is weird.
left Dallas without a hitch. got stuck in Atlanta because of rain, the bathrooms in the Atlanta airport are fantastic.
i talked to a little girl in the airport. she had a kurt cobain t-shirt on. i realized after not too long that she was proably 15 or so. her mom on the other hand, was legal, hot, and friendly.
arrived in Philly with relatively little drama. got to see the skyline on the way in. good lookin city. the main thing that struck me is how small it is. i liked it. lots of interesting shit to see.
so of course i decided to get drunk on PBR at some 'punk rock' bar. i dont remember a lot of the night, as reported to me: i attempted it whip it out in a restaurant, hit on a bunch of my sister's co-workers (unsuccesfully), threw some lawn furniture in a pool, and then tried to start a fight.
nobody parties like i party.
being in a new city is always fun. i like feeling like a complete outsider, i feel more like myself in new places than i do at home. i tried to talk to a girl at the store but it was harder than usual. i regret that. so, blonde girl at the farmers market on south street, if youre reading this, i love you
after a couple hours sleep we went to albany for a memorial service. had the displeasure driving through new jersey. NJ is one of the 2 or 3 shittiest states in the entire fucking country.
the service was good. as i get older spending time with the family is more and more tolerable. good times
back home i didnt so a lot of anything. got drunk with my former co-worker that i will eternally have a crush on. we didnt make out.
the drive back sucked balls. torrential fucking rain all the way from cleveland to nashville. couldnt see a thing, some damn truck was riding my ass going about 80.
but i didnt die and i am still king of the PA to DFW drive. less than 24 hours including sleep baby!
driving through KY/TN is always nice. there are some pretty little girls in tennessee.
It was great to get back to Texas. done seen my This Damn Town and The Starvations in concert. i fucking love this damn town.
thats all.
getting back from a whirlwind vacation and jumping right into a new house/car/roommates is weird.
left Dallas without a hitch. got stuck in Atlanta because of rain, the bathrooms in the Atlanta airport are fantastic.
i talked to a little girl in the airport. she had a kurt cobain t-shirt on. i realized after not too long that she was proably 15 or so. her mom on the other hand, was legal, hot, and friendly.
arrived in Philly with relatively little drama. got to see the skyline on the way in. good lookin city. the main thing that struck me is how small it is. i liked it. lots of interesting shit to see.
so of course i decided to get drunk on PBR at some 'punk rock' bar. i dont remember a lot of the night, as reported to me: i attempted it whip it out in a restaurant, hit on a bunch of my sister's co-workers (unsuccesfully), threw some lawn furniture in a pool, and then tried to start a fight.
nobody parties like i party.
being in a new city is always fun. i like feeling like a complete outsider, i feel more like myself in new places than i do at home. i tried to talk to a girl at the store but it was harder than usual. i regret that. so, blonde girl at the farmers market on south street, if youre reading this, i love you
after a couple hours sleep we went to albany for a memorial service. had the displeasure driving through new jersey. NJ is one of the 2 or 3 shittiest states in the entire fucking country.
the service was good. as i get older spending time with the family is more and more tolerable. good times
back home i didnt so a lot of anything. got drunk with my former co-worker that i will eternally have a crush on. we didnt make out.
the drive back sucked balls. torrential fucking rain all the way from cleveland to nashville. couldnt see a thing, some damn truck was riding my ass going about 80.
but i didnt die and i am still king of the PA to DFW drive. less than 24 hours including sleep baby!
driving through KY/TN is always nice. there are some pretty little girls in tennessee.

It was great to get back to Texas. done seen my This Damn Town and The Starvations in concert. i fucking love this damn town.
thats all.
thats funny a called my sister stinky her name is isabel and i say stinkerbell to her!

Hey, just popping in to say hi. I am behind on posting to journals and comments so thanks for not updating so I can be spared a littlle guilt
. Looking forward to meeting you. Benni and I talked about how cool you are tonight.