So... apparently some awesome benefactor reactivated my account. Thanks, whoever you are. Gimme a response to this, and we'll party. Or at least we'll have a good laugh and catch up on old times, assuming I know you. If I don't know you, well, we can still do that, but your generosity worries me. There's no place in my organization for the kind-hearted, you know.
Just saw an old blog post of mine (it's 2019) and you are born the day before me! Happy belated birthday :)  I didn't reactivate this account but just checking out some old friends.  <3
Oh actually I'm the day before you!  haha have a good one :)
It's funny how every time I say I'm gonna write in this thing, I end up ignoring it for, like, 3 months. What can I say? I'm a failure. It's about time I owned up to it, at least.
So it seems like a friend I had a falling out with may be coming back into my life, and honestly, I couldn't be happier about it. There hasn't been a day that's gone by where I haven't thought about him, or wondered if I should call him or send him a message, and I finally did yesterday.

Needless to say, it was kind of...
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Now I know why I never update. I have no idea what to say. Like, I wanna bitch about work, because I feel like if this isn't the place to do it nothing is, but I feel I need to phrase it cleverly. I hate being a writer sometimes. Goddamn perfectionism.

It's amazing how my social anxiety can actually transfer itself to the internet, where...
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You know, I really have to make it a point to update this more often. Get involved and stuff.

Let's hope I actually follow through this time.
December 10, 2004
What Corporate America Can't Build: A Sentence


Peter DaSilva for The New York Times

Kathy Keenan teaches business writing at the University of California Extension, Santa Cruz.

BLOOMINGTON, Ill. - R. Craig Hogan, a former university professor who heads an online school for business writing here, received an anguished e-mail message recently from a prospective student.

"i need help,"...
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yo man
The following is a rap battle between myself, Dr. Bensina, and a good friend of mine, MC Muffin. I got schooled.

You think your rhymes fast?
Well my rhyme is faster
got a midget on my neck like my man master blaster
chasin round Mad Max and my girl Tina Turner
Turner? I'd turn 'er, turn on the after burners
On the oil rig,...
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