Ginny has been allergic to nuts all her life. Tonight she's decided she's through missing out, so she's helping herself to a bowl of granola with almonds.

What was your favourite memory of Ginny? I liked all those times she didn't kill herself with cereal.
She didn't die while I was away, did she? I'd miss the photos. frown
Since there hasn't been an update to your journal am I to assume that you're still at Ginny's bedside in the hospital where she's fighting for life? ,o)
Dear Asshole Who Ran Into Our Car In The Parking Lot Today And Didn't Leave A Note,

As you have already ascertained, I believe you are an asshole. And a coward. And I hope that you're such a bad driver, having crumpled the door of our car in broad daylight in a suburban parking lot with spaces wide enough to comfortably park and get out...
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If we're putting in requests for Letters to Assholes, how about one for the theatre company that doesn't want to pay me what I'm worth, and know I'll probably still take their shitty job anyway. Or the low-life who stole the number plates off my car last weekend, making it impossible for me to drive. Or the Japanese bureaucrats who've not processed my pension refund yet, forcing me to stay living with family rather than get my much-needed privacy in a new rental property?

Breath, Sprat, breath.
what a dick. I hope the car is not too badly damaged.
Kicking a cold I caught a week ago.

Wore one of my new suits to work on Wednesday. Surprised to meet a former Prime Minister in the afternoon.

Reading The Unusual Life of Tristan Smith by Peter Carey. It's wonderful. I'm starting to really resent all the mediocre new novels I have to read for work because they get in the way of all the...
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As much as I try to deny it, haberdashery does certainly define the rising executive. Even if you've noted contextual sarcasm for this in the past, none is implied here: Godspeed.
Wearing new clothes always makes a work day better.
One of my uncles died Monday morning, so Tuesday we went to the funeral. I didn't know him very well but I knew his reputation. He was the one in the family who was smart enough to get away with being a liar and philanderer. I mean, he got caught and everyone knew he was a sonofabitch, but he played it well and never really...
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That almost sounds Irish, when one can write wake and 'good time' in the same paragraph. Was there any singing or wagering?
The comment thing is happening to all the old timers I think. I made a comment about it and got a lot of comments. Go figure.

It's nice to get away with things.
There was a time not long ago when not everyone had to be good looking. This is not a rant about the cosmetics industry, not even the people who designed the moisturizer Anti Dryness System that sits in my medicine cabinet between the barbasol and the razor (Gillette Mach 3, which has become about as primitive as slamming your face against a rock if Gillette's...
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OTOH, I think there's something to be said for consumer choice and people not cramming themselves into the latest hula hoop-like fashion trend; nothing looks as homely as a country bumpkin dressed in the latest big-city clothes. Maybe this is just one more iteration of the Long Tail and the endless choices available to consumers. What a wonderful world the communications age has envisaged.

Anyway, your kids are going to have that hybrid vigor thing, so I'm sure they're going to be extremely cute.
here's to Max, he was a good dog.

I'm sorry for your loss.
I'm sorry.

Soapbox ascended in 5, 4, 3, ...

I suppose I owe Michael Moore some thanks for making me so suspicious of politically motivated documentaries that more or less confirm my own prejudices that I never saw Gore's movie. Something about peoples' reactions to "An Inconvenient Truth" always put me off. They'd tell me about maps and pictures and graphs, but nobody seemed to be...
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I guess this is where technology pulls out ahead and starts to lay down distance between me and it.

While its tail lights are still close and bright enough to read by, there's Library Thing.
<laughing (with whatever punctuation mark we might designate as implying simple curiousity)> Next time, at a quiet bar.
Reading that book aloud when you already stutter a bit is Hard.
Saw The Police last night.

I hadn't given much thought to how tunes would be reworked but reading the reviews this morning I was retroactively grateful that taste prevailed over ego and rearrangements of the big hits that had been performed in other cities had been rolled back in favour of faithful renderings. So good on them for wanting to try something new, and a...
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Great review man. Never did have a ken for The Police, myself. Few things better than a good live music experience though.
Thanks bird. Did I congratulate you on your engagement? I thought I did but maybe it was the lady. Very exciting news.

Is it wrong that I put the most attractive covers at the front. I love books but why do they have to take up so much space? I haven't even started yet.