Fucking rat fucking ass eating motherfuckers couldn't even let me know that not a fucking thing was going to be fucking going up north for another 2 fucking weeks at the very fucking least! I had to fucking drive an extra fucking 100 clicks out of my fucking way to go talk with the shit-heads at the office and find out what these fucking cocksuckers have known for the whole week without calling me and letting me know

Goddam fucking cunts! Now I'm really fucking broke...what's worse is that I brought this whole motherfucking thing upon myself...if I hadn't been so fucking naive to believe that other guys would be as honest as me and actual mean what they say when telling a guy that work is available, i wouldn't be fucking flying off the fucking handle right now

Thanks for all the wonderful messages of 'good luck', and 'i miss you' and all...i'm just right now really fucking ballistic at both my own stupidity and my job's fucking headgames. I'll get back to my normal self after I get myself plastered on complimentary drinks from friends and whatnot....if they'd pay for a night out for me that is

edit: no, this isn't an addition to my ranting...although i am now just a little more collected than when i just arrived home...anyway, the two videos that were taken during misguided's party on the 21st are now on computer...if you wanna see ticktockticktock's juggling or FreakPirate's attempt at juggling then email me and i'll send em to ya in a compressed format. also, for those who've asked, i've put some pix of me in my karate uniform in my pics folder...nothing special

I know where his club is, it is an ISKF club. Although I don't believe Sean is the Sensei there, that is Sensei Taylors Club, or at least it was. Sensai Taylor is Phenomenal, I watched him grade for his 6th, ( Rookdan? I've been away to long) The most fantastic thing I've ever seen. They go to Regina every year for a training camp, you'll love it. Last time I was there the two heads of the JKA, Yaguchi Sensei from Philedelphia (North Amercian Head Dojo) and his Sensei, Okazaki Sensei head of the Organization for the world straight from Japan, came to train us. Both in thier late 60's early 70's, it was unreal. After all the training, 3 times a day 2hrs at a shot, (my legs are still jelly 9 yrs later) you get to compete in the Western Canadian Finals. It was the single highest moment of my karate career.
The club a the YMCA is ISKF as well, I've trained there, Sensei's Turner (plural, husband and wife), they are pretty good, very nice; the facility is by far the superior one though.
www.iskf.com There is club index on there.
Edmonton Shotokan Karate School
ISKF Club Number: AL-016
Downtown YMCA, 1003-102A Ave
Boulder, AB T5J 0G5
Phone: 780 451-0024
Fax: 780 428-1877
Email: turner@karatedojo.com
Web: http://www.karatedojo.com/
Fudoshin Karate Club
ISKF Club Number: AL-011
C/O Body Quest Health Club/4960 93 Ave.
Caracas, AB T6B 2L6
Phone: 780 469-9296
You got me all excited and I wrote you a book. sry.
[Edited on Sep 01, 2004 11:31AM]