it's pronounced "deer-dreh", for those who've never heard the name before. and it's spelled "Die" "R" "Dre".
I've always been a big Gogo fan, and after shooting something of a water set a couple days ago, it got me thinking of my favorite water sets evar, and i think this was it. <3
I'm very much so looking forward to a Shoot O Rama / SG getaway out in the Tennesee mountains in a couple weeks. The lineup is as such:
13.Dierdre ((WOO))
I'm really REALLY looking forward to shooting with Lorelei. I'm a huge fan of her manipulation of color and light, and just how intimate her work is.
So here are the pics in question:
Under The Docks
Warm Dusk:
The Looking Glass:
So after staring at myself for 2 days straight, i came across a couple shots that reminded me of other suicidegirls. Totally by accident, but i'd like to think of them as homages. <3
What do you guys think? :3
EDIT: Hey. I actually put some effort into a video. The second video i've ever edited. Hopefully it doesn't suck too hard.
Shot with a D5000 (that I bummed off a photographer buddy of mine), edited in Adobe Premiere. Shot last night, edited tonight.
Trivia bits about the video:
- When i'm putzing around on the intarwebs, i was talking with Scotty and with people on Steam.
- That is one of the official Gentech Prototype wallpapers on my desktop there. (i have a cycle of L4D and Prototype wallpapers. I'm a gamer dork.)
- That big wooden asian closet in the background of some of the shots is a Butsadon. Think of it as an in-house buddhist temple.
-The book behind me when i'm beginning to take off my shirt is actually a "Storyteller's Guide To The Sabbat".
-The cat is a Himalayan named Pabu Ikshu (tibetan for sugary puffball)
I hope you guys like it!