it's pronounced "deer-dreh", for those who've never heard the name before. and it's spelled "Die" "R" "Dre".

I'm really glad Suri is part of the site. She's such a fucking cutie, and has that classic Betty Boop figure that i was afraid was starting to be phased out of SG with all these lean, skinny girls making the scene.

Okay, so Dierdre's Desk #10 is up, but with issues.
So the movie renders fine: and it plays on my computer fine and dandy. The problem is, when i upload it to Youtube, it dislodges my sound channel for some reason, so in the Youtube version of this vblog, the sound doesn't line up with the video.
The Philly Tattoo con really took alot of me, so i'm not really myself in this video, but if you can give me advice as to what codecs to use, or why my sound is retarded, any critique or comments would be well appreciated.
The last week or so, i have been VERY crafty. I've been working on my Hentai, my band, and my zombie book. I've been crocheting a shrug, and two pairs of gloves. I've begun making jewelry: I have 3 pairs of earrings and i'm making a necklace... I've also made my sister her wedding jewelry. I'm preparing to begin making kanzashi. I need to buy a couple more supplies (poster board, fabric and starch). I have a pretty good idea of where i want to go with this.
Here's the artwork i've done recently. I've been getting reacquainted with Open Canvas. Great program.

A REALLY rough, quick sketchy painting thinger i did of Ra0ul, one of my favorite poeple on the site.

This period's Art Jam, Morrigan. So far, no one has gotten my joke.
I've begun playing the buggy piece of shit that is VTM: Bloodlines. I like the first game better.
So, life is going to be very, very interesting the next month.
1) I start paying back loans. I don't have a job, and my loans are not consolidated yet becuase i need to know my driver's licence number. To do that, i have to get my liscence updated. That could take forever.
2) I might be moving to Chicago in less than a month. Maybe. We'll see.
3) I get my engagement ring in mid april or so. As soon as i get that, we turn around and order our wedding bands.
Here's a vblog you can actually watch.

Well, I actually live in Woodbridge! This weekend is a super busy one, b/c I'm celebrating my birthday all weekend.
But I may be able to do coffee tomorrow night after my husband cooks me dinner. Do you have any specific place in mind? BTW, I will send you my personal email in a message.
