it's pronounced "deer-dreh", for those who've never heard the name before. and it's spelled "Die" "R" "Dre".

I went into my favorites and saw that Visha's pictures were suddenly visable again, and i had to celebrate. Go to her page now and get reaquainted with her beauty.

Go and check out Mercie's new piercings. I'm seriously in pure awe of her awesomeness.
Stein set up a computer just so i could work on my web projects for school and so that i could play games. ^ _ ^ To christen the desk set up and make it feel lived in (if you know what i mean), i have a cute little tinkerbell globe thingy that glows, and she flaps her wings. It was a mere $3.00 at the Disney store at King of Prussia. I'm not normally a tinkerbell fan due to the perky goth fandom (::cringe:

I'll be sending in a set that the wonderful tigerwong took almost a year ago, but it's absolutely lovely. I'll be taking another set this week, and i've got some mending to do on a dress before i take a set i've seriously been itching to take with an old friend that does some amazing black and white work. I'll be purchasing a wig that i've been eying since i went live. I've also been invited to be interviewed on an internet radio show which should be recorded this week.
I'm very excited on all of the above topics
I intend on doing some suicidegirl fan art relatively soon. Keep an eye out: Dierdre will hopefully be coming back.

we are hanging out in my place first for drinks, theeeeen we are heading to the black cat. so the spending will be less

Hi, friend of Luz. You seem to rule as much as she