I might... might... be getting royally sick of things breaking down inside me.

Just for the record.

I remember when we were doomed,
listening for the booms in the night,
the flash that meant everything ended
and the world would burn, then freeze,
then nothing at all -- pockets of humanity
huddled around trashcan fires eating
food from cans and waiting for your skin
to slough off while the fire burnt your brain.

I remember when we were doomed,
our fate loomed...
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Thoughtful and profound even though I don't fully comprehend it. blush

I also want to give a thumbs up to your previous blog which the lovely Arien alerted me to. Well said. smile
I'm getting a little concerned about the albums that are being passed through to Member Review.

Oh, I'm not complaining that anyone passed through is undeserving. Far from it. Anyone who chooses to take that kind of ultimate step into fun and liberation and everything else that comes with it deserves their chance.

But a lot -- I mean, a lot -- of the sets...
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Wow... that made me more excited for my next idea. And also kind of sad that the set I've already shot is still not edited. I must say, I posted this on my own blog just a minute ago, but it deserves to be here as well.

I personally think that the sets could be better. I think one reason they weren't chosen is because SG has a very specific look to their chosen sets, and mine doesn't fit that. Also, just like everything else these days, part of it is just "who you know". The networking of this site is apparently very important. And since I don't know any of the major players, no one helps me and I'm not pushed to the top quickly.

But that's sort of the sad part, too. I understand them wanting the site to be cohesive, but they are taking the ideals and reasons for this site and making them secondary to the business. I think they should take a good look at what they've written about their beliefs and what they are trying to share with the world.

Thank you so much for supporting me and saying all of those kind words.
PS- I added more to my blog in relation back to you. Plus a related video I just happened to watch last night.
It's... surreal to go to a wake where most of the music that's played is Styx and Rush. It's a reminder, beyond even the life of the person we celebrated and mourned, that I and mine are middle aged and getting older every day. That this was one of the early ones (though not the first), but more and more we will find ourselves sitting...
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Sitting in a too hot classroom too near dawn
Listening to the bored man boring students
Rubbing tired eyes while watching green chalkboards
Having works scribbled on them in powdery off-white
I put my head down on my notebook
Next to the incoherent ink that is my handwriting
Which parrots the semicoherent words of my teacher
Who told me poetry was imagery,
you're awesome<3 thank you !
Thank you for supporting my new set. It makes me happy smile
It may not be the most popular sentiment, but sometimes I really have to wonder about the Member Review/Hopeful system.

Suicidegirls was the bastion of non-traditional beauty, where women who didn't conform to the Playboy/Sports Illustrated Swimsuit/High Fashion/Bikini Model/Airbrushed ideal could find acceptance and -- yes -- celebration, reveling in their own beauty and their own skin, no matter what they chose to print on...
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Sitting here seeing time
ticking and clicking on the hands
of the old analog clock I put in
so like the ones from when I was young
in schools waiting for life to begin.
Hiding in an office I make
as close to those schooldays as possible.
I used to wait for tomorrow,
and now I ape yesterday
while trying to hold onto today
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thanks for comment and support my new set, is super important to me to have your vote kisses ... muaaa kiss
You are so sweet. I hope so too!
How am I today?

Sing it, T.S. Preach it to the masses:

Let us go then, you and I,
When the evening is spread out against the sky
Like a patient etherized upon a table;
Let us go, through certain half-deserted streets,
The muttering retreats
Of restless nights in one-night cheap hotels
And sawdust restaurants with oyster-shells:
Streets that follow like a tedious argument
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There is little as much fun as trying to explain to 15 year olds why Wikipedia isn't working today. Enlisting the 14 year olds to help -- they get it.