Had a lot of fun doing my tax retrun today. It does mak it better when you get a refund of $200. It is the same amount I paid in last year. Now were even bitches. smile
Well, I fixed my car. Its running great now, but there is just one problem. It failed the emissions test. frown I am not against the emmissions standards, but it just sucks.

At least I did find out that the government will help people who do not have enought money to fix it. How much help, I dont know, but is good to know there is...
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I'm kind of glad I live in a state without mandatory car inspections, simply because there is no way in hell mine would pass.
I love Buddy Holly. My dad listened to him a lot while I was growing up. Damn those that make fun. They simply lack taste. tongue
Its spring break and it is freaking 40 degrees outside. Oh well, I am going camping for the rest of the week anyways. I hope it warms up some.
Yaaaaaay, I will be spending my day trying to fix my car. When I start it the thing shakes so bad its like I am in an earthquake. It doesnt sound to good either.

Oh well, there are alot worse ways to spend a day.
hey, thanks for all yr help!
Currently undergoing psychiatric evaluations.
Hey, you said you could answer any questions I had about working at a scout camp in my journal, so I hope you don't mind me dropping by.

This will be my third year as a staffer, but my first at a high adventure camp. Last year I was an instructor at the climbing tower, but this year they want me to run the actual climbing outpost. I am a little concerned about placing anchors and setting up climbs. Do you know if they will send me to camp school (I heard it was mandatory for the position, yet no one has mentioned anything about it to me) If so, will camp school be on real rock or towers?

I'm not sure you can answer my questions exactly since they are pretty specific to the general outpost, but I figure you might be able to point me in the right direction.

I think I am going to start actually updating my journal now. Maybe even in the same week. I forgot that I was still paying for this site. I think I will stay on for a while.

I mad at George Bush. Common theme around here, I know. I mad at that carpetbagger for making everyone hate Texas more than they already did. Everyone seems...
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Ummm, I pretty much listen to all country.
I listen to just about every kind of music there is...
My favorites are Pat Green, Robert Earl, Willie, Waylon....okay...this list is just going to continue on, so I'll just stick with I listen to everything.
Yeah too many people view other parts of the country as being "less than". We're so damn centered on our own culture sometimes that we can't see others objectively.

Not that I'm one to talk though....our band has a song called "American By Birth, Southern By the Grace of God" so...whatever..

Oh yeah....sorry about not listing the site. It's....

Everyone have a drink for Dimebag Darrell. He will be missed. Why the hell did that fucking asshole kill him?

Vinnie had to sit there and watch his little brother die. I cant imagine what he is going through. I am praying for ya Vinnie.

Fuck yeah, we all went out on Friday to drink to him and put up posters and shit. Its the fucking worst thing to happen to metal.
yes, i should be a dancer for the horrorpops! why haven't i thought of this before? confused
I just quit my job and it is quite possibly the best day of my life. That place was beating me down and turning me into someone I didnt like. I am freee now. I am free of that hell hole.

Now I can put my full attention on my little business that I have going. With any luck I can make enough money to...
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I knew Chad Powell pretty well. Well.. pretty well for a an acquaintance. He came to my 6th grade b-day party. I don't recognize the other names though but I might recognize their faces. Did you go to Keller High?
I badly need to get out of town. I just keep hearing that highway calling me to get in my car and never come back.

I know what I need, a camping trip. It has been waaayyy to long since I just got away from everything and had some fun.

I have decided it. I am going to quit my job and travel the country...
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a camping trip? ok : ooo (mincing round coffee table) chase me chase me! biggrin biggrin biggrin
and as for horror films (assuming you haven't seen them) Brain Dead and Bad Taste are fantastically awful and ludicrous at the same time puke puke
I dont know why anyone would want to read my ranting and raving but here I go.

aaaahhhh Its 1:30am and I have to get up at 4:30am to go to work. Damn my boss for changing my schedule. He only gave me 7 hours in between full 8 hour shifts.

I sooooo cant wait to take my vacation so I can quit that job....
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I went to bed @ 4;30 & had to get up for work @ 6:30. I wish I could blame my boss. Damn friends dragging me out for breakfast @ 1:30 in the morning.