Today's word is "nebulous:" hazy, vague, indistinct, or confused.

For some nebulous reason, I'm bad at this lately. This "Update the blog" thing. I'm not sure why. Is it Facebook? Well, I am there more often, but it's not like I'm blogging there much, either... I think I've done one post that isn't one of the endless quizzes in the last month. Is life that...
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Or for that matter, could you not just put the mattress on the floor until such time as it is more convenient for you to be buying a new bed?
Hm. So, good when it's 30C out, otherwise not so much.
Random thoughts from yesterday's comic and whatnot convention.

Ray Park (Darth Maul, Toad) seems hella cool. Even after five hours or so of signing autographs, he was very chipper and personable at the sci-fi panel.

Speaking of which, Morena Baccarin (Firefly) is, amazingly, even hotter in person. I got my picture taken with her, and was smiling for some time afterwards.

There remains much to...
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I wish I could have gone to the show. frown

*poke* Muah hahaha!
hmmm- *note to self*...hang onto Sailor costumewinkbiggrin
I understand that Canadian airlines are required by law to repeat everything they tell us in French.

I just don't feel that I should be required to listen.

These choose-your-own entertainment personal TV screens they have on some Air Canada flights are a godsend, the beginning of a golden age. No longer must I wait for the news in English and French to wrap up...
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So I'm told I need three things if I am ever to know love or intimacy again:
1) Wardrobe upgrade
2) Confidence
3) Acceptance that I will be rejected more often than not

Let's tackle them in order.

1) Wardrobe upgrade. Simple enough. If I can get a little more funding together, I can have this done in a few weeks. I don't think an...
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I don't really understand the wardrobe upgrade thing, but whatever. I guess it depends on what type of person you want to be with. Who is going to be picking out your new clothes?
Oxy is a good choice.
Coming to you live from Easter dinner, while I wait for three vacations worth of photos to print nearby.

carla has demanded I tell you the tale of last night's shenanegins, a tale of drunken revelry that can only be called... Boy's Night.

The cast of this tale is myself, Mr. B, AC, and some of AC's compatriots from the Olive Garden, referred to here...
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When you put it that way... it's especially funny!

I love drunken mario party.
This is much better than the Jet-Puffed story. You are now The Boys, but in a less strictly derisive way.
I appear to be on Facebook now. So I reckon I'll cross-post something from there.

Just under one week since Musketeers wrapped, somewhere near six weeks until Sacrilicious! kicks off.

As most of you know, the period between shows is not my favourite time. I'm sure I don't have to explain to the Musketeers crowd why, so I'll save that for my other blog if...
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I also enjoy the microupdates. They're much easier than trying to produce some kind of cohesive thought for a longer entry.
In your dreams did you win that fight!
*victory dance*
Something kind of neat happened on Saturday, which I've decided to share for lack of something else to put here.

I've been chatting, off and on, with the author of The Three Musketeers (Reserve your tickets now! Only eight shows left!) about what he might write next. Our styles turn out to be quite different: he likes a good epic, and works well in period...
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Just feeling anti-social then? I'm not sure I'll be up for shennanigans tonight, myself.
If you want to watch an episode or two of Spaced that might be fun. Or maybe tomorrow before the script reading?

I must see this!
There may come a time when you find yourself at a party with me. More likely for some of you than others, I grant, but still. Most of the time, I will be amiable, sociable, and once past the conversational hiccups we discussed in my last post, pretty darn funny and maybe a little charming. On occasion, however, I may become quiet. Withdrawn. Antisocial would...
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I wanted to stay for Uptown Girl, but I literally started to feel dizzy and feverish after I finished singing.

Also, I'm modeling today and I've already managed to almost fall asleep twice during a 90 minute seated pose. You know the "head starts to tip forward, sudden jerk as you realize you're falling asleep, oh my god I hope no one noticed that" deal. Because a classroom of art students staring directly at you wouldn't notice if you almost fell asleep. blush
Sorry I didn't see the play... nobody informed me there was a trip until it was too late. Glad to hear, albeit secondhand, that it was terrif.
It's Friday night and what can I tell you.

No, nothing angsty tonight. In addition to no longer wishing to discuss such things, I also grow weary of typing them.

So hey, finished another script tonight. Second full length and fourth script overall this year. In the last few weeks, actually. Which would be more impressive if the first two hadn't turned out so badly....
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So... do you still hate me? frown
Going out tonight? I'm not sure if I'll make karaoke. I'm feeling kind of run down and I have to model early tomorrow.

In case you were wondering, emotional repression is hard work. But worth it, in the end.

My day-to-day existence is kind of dependent on keeping everything tightly in check. The occasional rant here keeps the pressure from building too much, and it keeps me from moaning to people all the time.

Well, except you lot, but then you always have the option not to read,...
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If you ever want to talk about anything, angst-wise, I'm available. I'm not "one of the boys" but I can pretty much guarantee that I won't just tell you to try to sleep with any number of your female friends.

what about rainman? i feel l ike i should have cried but i didn't. no soul?
Here's a switch, I'm gonna open with some happy today.

I think I'm back in the game, writing-wise. Yes, the rather horrid reaction to my last full-length play shook me a little. Yes, I followed that by finishing a short piece that will likely never see the light of day. But my second short piece will almost certainly be in Sacrilicious! this summer, and I'm...
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Who'd you end up having to babysit? (Yes, I know I'm commenting on two entries ago, so sue me.) If it was at the cast shindig, I know it wasn't me 'cause I was watching our playwright. Surprisingly enough, I remained fairly cheerful the whole night.

And I know this doesn't help 'cause I'm one of the taken people, but you are, too, dateable.
When you say "someone's down at a party," I see it literally - "Man down, man down, call a medic!" Funny! Considering my last round of babysitting, I guess it's not that inaccurate either.
I'm hungry but repulsed by the thought of eating. I changed into sweatpants hours ago and haven't hit the bike yet.

Tonight is Thursday. I don't leave the apartment Thursday night. I don't talk to people Thursday night. If necessary, I'll speak to a pizza delivery man. But tonight it wasn't necessary because I had a leftover slice, and further food doesn't really appeal. Not...
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Maybe if the Cadbury eggs were frozen. They're way tastier that way. biggrin

The hockey game was good. Made me smile. Especially since I told Michael before the game that (when I was in the shower it just popped into my head) Regehr was going to get a goal assisted by Huselius. And he did. surreal Sometimes I get wacky presentient thingies. If only I could harness them for evil...
er, I mean good.
I meant the cream eggs. tongue

I eat a crave cupcake by first eating the bottom nub and any top edge that has no icing. Then I get a better icing to cake ratio. After putting it in the fridge for a bit.
Of course, it's not just me. carla pointed out that FreakPirate and I were eating our cupcakes the same way when they were here.