So, I'm curious, what drives you? What makes you get up in the morning? It is responsibility, love for a person, love for an ideal, goal, or merely survival? What gets you going day after day? What makes you think; "It's been a good day today"? and what makes you want to do it again?
I know this is a first world question, but it's...
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It's responsibility AND love for another..my daughters. They need and deserve everything I can give them. Before I had them,the thing that got me up every day was music..and my determination to live,eat and breathe music. Those things keep me going smile
Goodness, what a question. I suppose the thing that really gets me going is my parents. I want to make them feel proud of their daughter. What about you?
Lesson of the day:

Everyone smells bad at a metal concert.
Lesson of the day:

"They all look the same" is only offensive when describing people.
Look, I know I'm not a rock star or anything like that, but if you feel like throwing panties at me when I'm doing my animation or graphic design, please, by all means.
Will do. And if you could come to court and chuck boxers at me when I'm making submissions, that would be sweet
Sure thing. But unlike Veilchen, I'd rather if you could throw something smaller like.. I dunno... speedos... or thongs at me while I am sewing puppets. Thanks. That would be great. I don't want to accidentally stab myself with my needle.
Olive Garden, when you're here, you're getting dumped.
Sorry to hear that dude. keep your chin up.
So, I had to say goodbye to someone I'm in love with. This hasn't been a good day.
I don't have anyone to really talk to without feeling very self conscious, I i'm just going to write it down, post it to a bunch of strangers on a pin up site and leave it be.
So, I'm the furthest thing from a sexy girl on this site; I do have something I'm proud of to post here. Below is an animation I did for World Bank's Open Forum Food Crisis. From script to concept to design to animation it all took about three weeks to complete. That's pretty fast schedule. I'm happy with it.

Anyway, I hope you like it....
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Math lesson of the day:
Skepticism for a statement is proportional to the amount of salt it's taken with.
Tuesday Haiku:

If you must gamble
Please don't say you bet your ass
What if you lose it?
If you're retelling a joke and the ending is "you had to be there," it probably wasn't that funny to begin with.
Wow, I think for the first time in a long time that I may actually be a good designer. I am happy with my work and my station in the professional world. I am strangely happy.

Ok, I'll take it.

I'll bitch about life another time.
Yay!! I am proud of you for realizing what every one else knows! ;-)