Why does the heart go where the head tells it not to.
My most recent crush is currently addicted to drugs and lives on the street.
She will not live long in her current state and in fact some of our conversation covered that.
she's living her life the way she wants to live it, but i can't help but think that she could have so much more.
Yes the feeling she gets from drugs is incredible.
But how could you live for a feeling...
Part of me is drawn to her the other part is scared to death of her.
The reason I can't have her is that I could never let myself.
She would rip me to shreds.
Watching her slowly kill herself is hard enough.
Even now a small part of me dies with her.
To give her more would be suicicide.
My most recent crush is currently addicted to drugs and lives on the street.
She will not live long in her current state and in fact some of our conversation covered that.
she's living her life the way she wants to live it, but i can't help but think that she could have so much more.
Yes the feeling she gets from drugs is incredible.
But how could you live for a feeling...
Part of me is drawn to her the other part is scared to death of her.
The reason I can't have her is that I could never let myself.
She would rip me to shreds.
Watching her slowly kill herself is hard enough.
Even now a small part of me dies with her.
To give her more would be suicicide.
i found out we'll be here until atleat the 6th of april workin on our ship.......
i'd like to ride with zoo bomb if you can find me a bike to borrow and tell me when to be there.........my boys at dead baby said some of zoobomb was up to sea and our club house over superbowl....were you with them?
anyway sorry to here about your lady friend i've got lots of opinion to share about drugs and revovery........been through it all.........maybe we'll talk on it some time......
get a hold of me to ride or hang out......party......
e-mail= evilsnipe@hotmail.com