I had an awesome night out for my birthday. We started off at a local AF2 game, but sadly our local team lost. Then it was time to make my liver hate me at the normal pub. After a few rounds with Jose and some creepy guy following me around all night, I was beat and ready for bed! It was more than worth it...
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Happy Birthday sweetie!

I am bracing myself for the weekend. It is time for another arena football game as well as a night out with some of the best people I know to celebrate me getting older.
I'm glad your back on the site! Lookin' good!
Some sweet person reactivated my account for me. Now it makes me want to try harder to get a set accepted even though I have not even tried in over a year. Thanks to whomever that person was and I am glad to be back with everyone!
New photoset n the works everyone! Wish me luck 

Good luck! Looking forward to seeing your new set! I'll try to send you pics form South Africa, now that I'm going back with my camera...
Some sweet person re-activated my account for me! I am glad to be back. Maybe I will try a photoset again with a better photographer and better ideas. I have not decided yet.
New semester starts tomorrow. I actually quite looking forward to it. It is one semester closer to my long awaited degree (I still hae a fair amount of credits left before I have it though). My only issue is the fact that sometimes, I HATE my school. I originally went ot Kent State University right out of high school. I spent a year there and...
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damn i would go back
but whatever you do stay safe
damn i would go back
but whatever you do stay safe
Shoto Ikki Kai...it is a form of Shotokan Karate that is not a sport-type Karate. It's main goal is self-defense, not the show. This is the main form I train in. There is also some Brazilian Jujitsu and Judo incorporated into my classes. I have been traing about a month now and starting to learn my first kata in order to earn my yellow belt....
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Good luck with that I hope things start getting easier with the classes
It has been one of those weeks. Work has been taking a toll on me, but luckily I have a day off tomorrow. For those of you who may not know, I have HORRIFIC TMJ disroder. This means, the joint in my jaw does not work properly for some reason (mostly hereditary in my case) and sometimes, it causes a lot of pain. Tonight is...
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fuck the insurance companies. nice to hear that you keep a good attitude about it all.
you have a great attitude for a bad situation
So being a retail slave is not so bad, until it starts to interfere with your life outside of work. I started working afternoons this past couple of weeks and have not been getting out of work until 11. I can't complain too much because hey, I am making money. At the same time there is so much I am missing out on and it...
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good luck with work, I hope your scheduling issues work out
Well, the new year is here and the friggin holidays are over finally! I coulodn't wait for this moment. No more mean people walking around the mall and stores pissed off because they can't get a Wii. No more insane traffic and fighting for a parking space. No more dealiong with family members bitching at me about my peircings, tattoos, haircolor...whatever they can find that...
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thank you for the comment on my rant
thanks for the suggestion i'll try to get out thare after i get over this cold
I played the chameleon last night and did something VERY atypical for me. I went to see Boyz II Men play here in town. I did not wear my normal concert garb, you know...the fishnets, big boots, chains, etc. I dressed in the type of clothes I would wear to a job interview (actually the clothes I did in fact wear to a job interview...
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hah cool
b2m had like one good song the rest the sang to themselves .. too bad pm dawn sucked...
b2m had like one good song the rest the sang to themselves .. too bad pm dawn sucked...
Merry Christmas
Christmas is right around the corner. Going to the mall just to grab a new black eyeliner has become a nightmare. People are driving like assholes and getting meaner by the minute. Stores have people lined up outside at 5am (4 hours before they open) in hopes to get a damn WII. There are suddenly more people in the mall wanting to rub a block...
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I look out my window and see fluffy whiteness covering the tree branches and the pool's winter cover. It is a breathtakingly beautiful sight and I want nothing more than to take pictures of the beauty in order to perserve it forever. The problem lies in the fact that I CAN'T FUCKING STAND THE COLD WEATHER!!! One would think that, being born and raied in...
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and I want cold weather it will be 70 here tomorrow
the cold sux no doubt.. the numbness, devoid of feelings, emotions, movement..i oft times relate hell as being like that .. but the snow... the snow is awesome.. what a fine fine contridiction..
smile ..
smile ..