So, cast your mind back a fascinating blog or two, and you may recall me mentioning my promised promotion and subsequent pay rise. Well it all went to shit.
The head of my department was sacked whilst I was on annual leave last week, meaning a new boss, with new ideas and probably a host of faces he anticipates populating our department with. Even if they turn out to love me equally, its realistically months until anything is going to change.
I was in the middle of negotiating a 10k pay rise, now I'm contemplating being unemployed should the new Director be an axe swinger. Brilliant.
If anyone tells me about Credit Crunches, children dying in Africa and how it could be worse, I will curse your first born and make it my mission to poke out your eye.
So, cast your mind back a fascinating blog or two, and you may recall me mentioning my promised promotion and subsequent pay rise. Well it all went to shit.
The head of my department was sacked whilst I was on annual leave last week, meaning a new boss, with new ideas and probably a host of faces he anticipates populating our department with. Even if they turn out to love me equally, its realistically months until anything is going to change.

If anyone tells me about Credit Crunches, children dying in Africa and how it could be worse, I will curse your first born and make it my mission to poke out your eye.
Hopefully something better will come along!