I've lost my glasses. I can't afford new ones right now.
My boss has decided to make us work insane hours. And when he does keep us two hours late he has the balls to be mean to me.
The house STILL isn't cleaned up/ unpacked. I don't think The Boy quite understands how this makes me want to take everything and throw it out the window.
I'm growing my hair out a bit, and it is in that horrible in-betweeen-can't-do-anything-with stage.
Bitch bitch bitch.
Anyone care to cheer me up?
My boss has decided to make us work insane hours. And when he does keep us two hours late he has the balls to be mean to me.
The house STILL isn't cleaned up/ unpacked. I don't think The Boy quite understands how this makes me want to take everything and throw it out the window.
I'm growing my hair out a bit, and it is in that horrible in-betweeen-can't-do-anything-with stage.
Bitch bitch bitch.

Jesus and Moses are playing golf one day when they come up on a particularly tricky water trap. Jesus takes a look and decides to use his four iron.
"I don't know," says Moses. "I think you might need a little more club than that."
Jesus replies "I saw Tiger Woods make this shot with a four iron, and if Tiger Woods can do it, then certainly I can!"
So he takes a big swing with his four iron and puts the ball right into the water trap. Moses is laughing away, Jesus asks him to part the water trap, but he refuses and keeps laughing. Finally, Jesus walks onto the water trap and starts chipping away at his ball as another pair walks up to him. They ask Moses "Who does that guy think he is? Jesus Christ?" And Moses replies "No! Tiger Woods!"
That doesn't do i I can take another swing at it later.
That sucks about your boss. It seems like it's hard to find a good job these days.
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