Found some really old weed today in a box from my last apartment (so over three years old) took it with me on a walk and smoked my first joint in three plus yrs . Yes it was bad old and nasty but still had a little kick and for the first time in a long time my hands and knees stopped hurting so much...
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Been some time since my last update so : had a week with my kids (just ended and I am now back at my place, my ex and I trade houses when it is my week with the kids so they do not have the stress of living in two places), it was nice since my eldest has recently moved back home, so I got...
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It has been a long day helping my eldest move (again) and I am now very burned out but not able to sleep. Instead I am thinking about the things in my life that I miss the most, so here is a list of the some of them (not in any real order): I miss having someone to hold and to love. I miss the...
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I miss hugs as well LOL (not the same coming from my boy)