brokenbeatnik- I guess my second-night-ever in Portland, a year ago, was at beatnik's pad party, and I could tell right away this was a funn, smart, cool guy. This has only been reinforced at his recent visit in town, and his great birthday where we had awesome eats at two bars all afternoon and evening, and Devil's Point Stripperoake. This is one of the solidest folks you're going to find online; he is the OPPOSITE of any online flaky types you might run into!! Great guy.
Brookelynne- She hasn't written much lately, so I dunno if some of you know her well. You can still see some of her writing in her poetry group, of course... she has even sent me physical mail when I was feeling down:
I went up to New England for 3 reasons last June: to see Boston, Portland ME, and her... and all 3 were pretty great. I only hope I can find some neat Xmas thing for her new second son, if I get her address!
Cassiopeia- A SG whose journals have always been funn to read (at this point, I should stop repeating that people "don't write as much anymore"; that should be obvious to anyone on the site this year, nobody's writing as much anymore), and full of observations that are very Jack Handey and Stephen Wright-like, but I think they're her own stuff.
Chaz Strummer- Is the one person who always seems to comment to me on here and MySpace. I appreciate it, I don't want to make this too ass-kissy because I know you are going to read ALL the stuff I put up when I'm not sure anybody else does, so I say THANK YOU, it is good to be heard. Like Bernard, I know you'll put up some good music stuff often.
Cherry- Another great photographer. I dunno how many of you remember when there were, like, 3 SGs in England? Yeah, way back. Cherry's been one of the great personalities and gorgeous SGs back from the beginning-ish days. We have traded mix tapes (she introduced me to "In Every Dreamhome, A Heartache" and "Steve Threw up," for starters), and the little Welsh sheep she sent me is sitting on top of my PC right now. I loved her music, her pics, her writing, her tattoos, her music, her photography... gee, it starts to sound like I love her, doesn't it? Yep.
(bonus 11th person) I see that Christa is grey on here, but I see her on MySpace still. One of the very nice Michigan folks I know, a real sweetie.
Clara- When everyone met for the first SG show in DC, the first people there were Clara and me. Although I can't remember 2 1/2 years later just exactly what we talked about, she was a great conversationalist and very down-to-earth and made me feel completely relaxed the 20-some minutes before folks started showing.
Clover- Again, it's hard for me to think of her without thinking of Gadget, and Club Castration. It's all there, in the pics and blogs and hey, the old Pitt Halloween party pics are among the funniest and most unusual you're going to see on this site. Another astute writer of journals, always little nuggets of pondering type.
clovesbud- One would hope I could get to LA at some point to see at least half of the great SG people there. cb has joked in the past that it was merely folks interested in mtlqueen (the wife) that were going to his Blog... but I dunno, if the interesting music references don't get your attention perhaps the uhhhmmm TV and movie stars will?? Yeah, he lives the champagne/ caviar/ bubblebaths life that Reverend Run used to!
crazydasaint- Hmm. Bob has been anonymous for a long time. I don't know exactly where he is, or what he's doing... but he is the FIRST person from teh site I ever hung out with in person. We saw Bob Mould doing acoustic in Fort Reno, a good Cafe St Ex dinner followed by The Sounds of Kaleidoscope and Low, and caught The Mekons in Arlington.... this is all before I'd met anyone else, which I guess eventually happened at the SG Burlesque dinner I mentioned earlier. Last I saw Bob write on here, he was feeling very crappy; I hope he's doing better, since he is in a very real sense one of my oldest friends on here.
d23- Ahh, a fun dude. Met him at the bowling party and dinner months back, and then bankerboy and I ran into him at the Rose Center Beerfest. He was just getting started when I was uhhh just about out of it and leavin... need to see him around more, cuz he is funny and has plenty of stuff to say despite the tiny Journals!
brokenbeatnik- I guess my second-night-ever in Portland, a year ago, was at beatnik's pad party, and I could tell right away this was a funn, smart, cool guy. This has only been reinforced at his recent visit in town, and his great birthday where we had awesome eats at two bars all afternoon and evening, and Devil's Point Stripperoake. This is one of the solidest folks you're going to find online; he is the OPPOSITE of any online flaky types you might run into!! Great guy.
Brookelynne- She hasn't written much lately, so I dunno if some of you know her well. You can still see some of her writing in her poetry group, of course... she has even sent me physical mail when I was feeling down:

I went up to New England for 3 reasons last June: to see Boston, Portland ME, and her... and all 3 were pretty great. I only hope I can find some neat Xmas thing for her new second son, if I get her address!
Cassiopeia- A SG whose journals have always been funn to read (at this point, I should stop repeating that people "don't write as much anymore"; that should be obvious to anyone on the site this year, nobody's writing as much anymore), and full of observations that are very Jack Handey and Stephen Wright-like, but I think they're her own stuff.
Chaz Strummer- Is the one person who always seems to comment to me on here and MySpace. I appreciate it, I don't want to make this too ass-kissy because I know you are going to read ALL the stuff I put up when I'm not sure anybody else does, so I say THANK YOU, it is good to be heard. Like Bernard, I know you'll put up some good music stuff often.
Cherry- Another great photographer. I dunno how many of you remember when there were, like, 3 SGs in England? Yeah, way back. Cherry's been one of the great personalities and gorgeous SGs back from the beginning-ish days. We have traded mix tapes (she introduced me to "In Every Dreamhome, A Heartache" and "Steve Threw up," for starters), and the little Welsh sheep she sent me is sitting on top of my PC right now. I loved her music, her pics, her writing, her tattoos, her music, her photography... gee, it starts to sound like I love her, doesn't it? Yep.
(bonus 11th person) I see that Christa is grey on here, but I see her on MySpace still. One of the very nice Michigan folks I know, a real sweetie.
Clara- When everyone met for the first SG show in DC, the first people there were Clara and me. Although I can't remember 2 1/2 years later just exactly what we talked about, she was a great conversationalist and very down-to-earth and made me feel completely relaxed the 20-some minutes before folks started showing.
Clover- Again, it's hard for me to think of her without thinking of Gadget, and Club Castration. It's all there, in the pics and blogs and hey, the old Pitt Halloween party pics are among the funniest and most unusual you're going to see on this site. Another astute writer of journals, always little nuggets of pondering type.
clovesbud- One would hope I could get to LA at some point to see at least half of the great SG people there. cb has joked in the past that it was merely folks interested in mtlqueen (the wife) that were going to his Blog... but I dunno, if the interesting music references don't get your attention perhaps the uhhhmmm TV and movie stars will?? Yeah, he lives the champagne/ caviar/ bubblebaths life that Reverend Run used to!
crazydasaint- Hmm. Bob has been anonymous for a long time. I don't know exactly where he is, or what he's doing... but he is the FIRST person from teh site I ever hung out with in person. We saw Bob Mould doing acoustic in Fort Reno, a good Cafe St Ex dinner followed by The Sounds of Kaleidoscope and Low, and caught The Mekons in Arlington.... this is all before I'd met anyone else, which I guess eventually happened at the SG Burlesque dinner I mentioned earlier. Last I saw Bob write on here, he was feeling very crappy; I hope he's doing better, since he is in a very real sense one of my oldest friends on here.
d23- Ahh, a fun dude. Met him at the bowling party and dinner months back, and then bankerboy and I ran into him at the Rose Center Beerfest. He was just getting started when I was uhhh just about out of it and leavin... need to see him around more, cuz he is funny and has plenty of stuff to say despite the tiny Journals!
I saw the fountain last night...have you seen it yet? I was NOT impressed.