So I worked Thurs- which was fine, as the football games were real shit. After weeks of telling people the Lions had improved, I find out Kevin Jones didn't play. Was he worth 17 points alone? Probably. No, seriously, probably, at least in terms of keeping the Dolphins off the field.
I didn't do sudoku, but rather chatted with my coworker and listened to some CDs. Charles Mingus yay, Procol Harum nay. There is a reason why the Stones, Beatles, and Who (and Blue Cheer and The Stooges) are more famous than Procol Harum. Robin Trower kicked some ass later, but that's a different story...
I had dinner with the actual residents (the upstairs women and boyfriends and so on) of the philippetheotter house. Even though I got there at 7, I still managed to make fairly killer mashed potatoes... but people were laying off the potatoes, and someone had already made a ton, so my additional ton went mostly uneaten. I have a bunch in the fridge right now. I stuffed the daylights out of myself that night (shepherd's pie, spaghetti squash dish, pumpkin pie, marionberry cake, lots of mashed potatoes), so I barely ate yesterday. I had some beer and devil's weed, and I really don't think I'm a pot person- I felt pretty spaced yesterday. I'm going to get some high-end bourbon today, a drug I can stand behind. Bring on winter.
I watched a lot of Rockford Files on DVD (from the library) yesterday. I like the show a lot. It's kinda a nostalgia thing, the whole 70s look, and I like Hawaii 5-0 too but McGarrett is a bermensch fascist compared to the more witty, semi-criminal Rockford. H5-0 is funny because McGarrett has no sense of humor; he's sort of Frank Drebin, but funny because he is perfect and makes no mistakes, in a goofily-stuffy over-the-top perfection way, rather than bumbling.
I am going to start on the tribute thing now, and over the next few weeks. After that big ridiculous intro ^ which nobody will read I'm sure folks will miss this now. Ah well:
9monty- I met him at the Goat/ verify parties in Baltimore. Very personable, chill guy; used to do computer work for the Baltimore Ravens!... and is now out in Cali and a bit quieter of a blogger!
Alisa- Has recently come on strong as one of the premiere photographers of this site. Go check out her recent blogs. I will try not to hold it against her that she likes Ohio State, the Columbus Crew, and killing ladybugs.
Come on, hon, you have to drop one of those. How about the busting on our spotted flying friends?
anonymouse- Also doesn't blog much now, sadly. I think she's mostly writing in a celeb group I'm not in... but if you're in there, she writes very funny, nasty things about dumb celebs as a general rule. Paris Hilton once spilled something on her and didn't apologize- hence, Paris Hilton= a real c-word (since you needed more proof, I'm sure). She also has some pretty good ROCK sensibilities and knows Exene is still sexxy.
Antimony- It is hard for me to write of Antimony without bringing up Isadora, and completely impossible for me to say just how much I love the hell out of them and their 273 pets. They had a supercute apartment (the milk bottles building), and now have a supercute house... now, if only the Richmond Police can either leave them alone or stop the evildoers around them, things'll be perfect... and uhh then they move to Seattle. Also, tomahto is supersister of Antimony, btw.
ariel- Once again, not blogging much... but she is a long-time real-life associate of Morgan, so that should tell you something right there. I've met her at the DC SG things, and ariel is top-notch cool people, smart and good to converse with, Adamn+.
Automatic- I would love to spend more time with him. We've only really hung out the one time, and his weekend schedule is that of a restaurant superchef... and right now he's way out east. I dunno, hopefully we go to more movies or rock shows soon. His temperment seems ideally suited to mine; he is not an uptight hyper type.
BabyBlue- Once again (you may see a pattern developing with these), someone I've hung out with at parties and shows who is pleasant, smart, casual, good conversationalist, and not prone to having an attitude or other such pitfalls of parties, but then I don't go to dumb parties like that. BabyBlue is, yes, oen of those people you know is reliable to not suck ever!
bankerboy- One of the great folks of Portland, of the world. Not likely to be on the site much longer, I believe, but sure to show up in future at the places in Portland where you would wish to be. Put me up for 2 nights in my first trip out here, and all-around champ of whatever it is.
BernardShakey- Connoisseur of tunes and film and such. One of my online-only friends, but I know he's always gonna put up some pics, movie-stills, or YouTube that I can really dig the hell out of.
Bristow- One of the things I most miss about East coast living. I miss the family cat, trips to friends in Richmond and Balmrr, the Outer Banks, and going up to mid-state NY to watch the Steelers with the great Bristow. The area is like the Appalachians but even better, and B and her man are a couple of superdamn hosts and there's not much of a better spot for football-watchin that I've ever been.
Okay, that's good for now. Ten takes a while, and I dunno if I'll be able to do ten every time, but at least now I have something to write about for sure. Current events = too much dumb war, terrorism, and celeb crap to make me want to blog about it, and I don't read book reviews nowadays like I did at work before, nor do I get as easy access to art galleries (I gotta go to first Thursday* in town with a camera or somethin).
* Portland art galleries in NW have a art-fest on first Thursdays of each month.
I didn't do sudoku, but rather chatted with my coworker and listened to some CDs. Charles Mingus yay, Procol Harum nay. There is a reason why the Stones, Beatles, and Who (and Blue Cheer and The Stooges) are more famous than Procol Harum. Robin Trower kicked some ass later, but that's a different story...
I had dinner with the actual residents (the upstairs women and boyfriends and so on) of the philippetheotter house. Even though I got there at 7, I still managed to make fairly killer mashed potatoes... but people were laying off the potatoes, and someone had already made a ton, so my additional ton went mostly uneaten. I have a bunch in the fridge right now. I stuffed the daylights out of myself that night (shepherd's pie, spaghetti squash dish, pumpkin pie, marionberry cake, lots of mashed potatoes), so I barely ate yesterday. I had some beer and devil's weed, and I really don't think I'm a pot person- I felt pretty spaced yesterday. I'm going to get some high-end bourbon today, a drug I can stand behind. Bring on winter.
I watched a lot of Rockford Files on DVD (from the library) yesterday. I like the show a lot. It's kinda a nostalgia thing, the whole 70s look, and I like Hawaii 5-0 too but McGarrett is a bermensch fascist compared to the more witty, semi-criminal Rockford. H5-0 is funny because McGarrett has no sense of humor; he's sort of Frank Drebin, but funny because he is perfect and makes no mistakes, in a goofily-stuffy over-the-top perfection way, rather than bumbling.
I am going to start on the tribute thing now, and over the next few weeks. After that big ridiculous intro ^ which nobody will read I'm sure folks will miss this now. Ah well:
9monty- I met him at the Goat/ verify parties in Baltimore. Very personable, chill guy; used to do computer work for the Baltimore Ravens!... and is now out in Cali and a bit quieter of a blogger!
Alisa- Has recently come on strong as one of the premiere photographers of this site. Go check out her recent blogs. I will try not to hold it against her that she likes Ohio State, the Columbus Crew, and killing ladybugs.

anonymouse- Also doesn't blog much now, sadly. I think she's mostly writing in a celeb group I'm not in... but if you're in there, she writes very funny, nasty things about dumb celebs as a general rule. Paris Hilton once spilled something on her and didn't apologize- hence, Paris Hilton= a real c-word (since you needed more proof, I'm sure). She also has some pretty good ROCK sensibilities and knows Exene is still sexxy.
Antimony- It is hard for me to write of Antimony without bringing up Isadora, and completely impossible for me to say just how much I love the hell out of them and their 273 pets. They had a supercute apartment (the milk bottles building), and now have a supercute house... now, if only the Richmond Police can either leave them alone or stop the evildoers around them, things'll be perfect... and uhh then they move to Seattle. Also, tomahto is supersister of Antimony, btw.
ariel- Once again, not blogging much... but she is a long-time real-life associate of Morgan, so that should tell you something right there. I've met her at the DC SG things, and ariel is top-notch cool people, smart and good to converse with, Adamn+.
Automatic- I would love to spend more time with him. We've only really hung out the one time, and his weekend schedule is that of a restaurant superchef... and right now he's way out east. I dunno, hopefully we go to more movies or rock shows soon. His temperment seems ideally suited to mine; he is not an uptight hyper type.
BabyBlue- Once again (you may see a pattern developing with these), someone I've hung out with at parties and shows who is pleasant, smart, casual, good conversationalist, and not prone to having an attitude or other such pitfalls of parties, but then I don't go to dumb parties like that. BabyBlue is, yes, oen of those people you know is reliable to not suck ever!
bankerboy- One of the great folks of Portland, of the world. Not likely to be on the site much longer, I believe, but sure to show up in future at the places in Portland where you would wish to be. Put me up for 2 nights in my first trip out here, and all-around champ of whatever it is.
BernardShakey- Connoisseur of tunes and film and such. One of my online-only friends, but I know he's always gonna put up some pics, movie-stills, or YouTube that I can really dig the hell out of.
Bristow- One of the things I most miss about East coast living. I miss the family cat, trips to friends in Richmond and Balmrr, the Outer Banks, and going up to mid-state NY to watch the Steelers with the great Bristow. The area is like the Appalachians but even better, and B and her man are a couple of superdamn hosts and there's not much of a better spot for football-watchin that I've ever been.
Okay, that's good for now. Ten takes a while, and I dunno if I'll be able to do ten every time, but at least now I have something to write about for sure. Current events = too much dumb war, terrorism, and celeb crap to make me want to blog about it, and I don't read book reviews nowadays like I did at work before, nor do I get as easy access to art galleries (I gotta go to first Thursday* in town with a camera or somethin).
* Portland art galleries in NW have a art-fest on first Thursdays of each month.
In the meantime, yes, the Yaps are famous for the currency. And also the yellow/golden hammerhead migrations, and manta migrations apparently. Whee!