See ya round
See ya round
There are several reasons, but chief among them are that a) the porn just isn't as good as it used to be
and b) there just isn't a Calgary scene to be leaving anymore...

If I stay, it'll be with a simper.
So I get there, and the nurse holds up a fairly big vial and says 'can you fill this?'
So naturally I reply 'what, from over here?', which she finds pretty funny. I guess I...
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Outstanding shows, both of them. Girl Nobody mashes up this intense emo/ambient/cabaret style with really lush sound and crazy vocal harmonies. moses Mayes, of course is the king of 70s moustache porn funk grooves, with unbelievable tight breaks from sax, bass, six string and piano accompaniment. Not to be missed....EVEN BETTER than his...
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you might really like her, or not,.
im going
Shit runs downhill
payday is every second friday
NEVER lick your fingers
Yes, this is my roundabout way of announcing that I am now, officially, a plumber.
Also, never forget that looking into a misbehaving pipe is equivelant to looking into the barrel of a gun to see what the problem is... except ther potential result is far messier than death.
Also, I'm letting my membership go grey. We need a new form of communication.
Also, I'm buying skis this month!
Vasectomies hurt. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Kind of like getting kicked good and hard in the balls. Mine are black and blue. Swollen too, in fact a girl who viewed them said they were so swollen, it looked like my crotch had been photoshopped.
On the other hand, they hurt less and have fewer health...
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I don't think a visit is in the cards for the near future... trying to save up for a big trip!
im going to try very hard to be there early
dont forget your robot!!
Good for you. Not only does it sound like they were mistreating you, but you should be doing something with your talents...The world needs you, and it doesn't need you playing the role of "waitress who calls everyone 'honey".
Editing. Go.
I do call everyone honey, at least half the time. This is because I get very, very bored and make new accents. I've got a the rolling hills of Glasgow[1] for when I get bored with Texan housewife.
It's a whole lot more painful than I thought it'd be. I was almost in tears at work today. This place has been the only thing that's felt even a little bit like my home since I moved here. But I need a real employment history, and I need a real credit history. Off the grid hospitality jobs aren't exactly suitable for that.
Not much reason for my posting deficiency...I've been keeping up with all my friends* journals, and even glancing at the occasional set (the...
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So, a friend of mine teaches at a special needs school in Melbourne. Last wek she took her kids on an excursion to the aquarium (Aquariums being nice, fun, and educational all at the same time, this is not an opporunity upon which to to miss out. Get your tickets today). There's about twelve kids with her, and she's taking them on the tour through the aquarium when she's realized she's lost this little autistic boy. Now, losing children is frequently regarded as bad. Losing children in an aquarium is a recipe for all manner of fun.
Run. Panic. Freak out. The kid is absolutely no where to be found for an hour.
When he does turn up, wandering the halls, he's completely sodden. Soaking wet from head to toe.
So my friend asks him where he was, what he did, what he got into. And he looks down and shakes his head, doing his little autistic boy thing. And she's asking him, cajoling him, telling him it's ok, he's not in trouble, we just need to know what you did.
Nothing. Not a word comes out of his mouth.
So they call his mother, and she comes to pick him up. And she's asking him where he was, what he got into, how he got into it, and he's just looking down shaking his head. Clearly, nothing's going to make him talk, so his mother gives up, drives him home.
She takes him home, all sodden and wet and sneezy now, and pops him straight in the shower. She steps out for a moment, and when she get's back...
Click the link, it's beyond belief.
amazing guitar
There is a certain kind of man who is so oblivious of anything, other than his own penis, that he cannot imagine that you do not long for him. That accounts for 95% of the men to whom you refer. The other 5% are probably men who, like me, have learned that gay (or more precisely, strongly gay bisexual) women make far better partners than straight girls.
Well, I tend not to sleep with straight girls myself, so I suppose I can understand your preference. February/March experimentation, however, has demonstrated I have really shitty taste in women. My type reads as "Short cute coth girls with borderline personality disorder and the self esteem of an acne-ridden water retaining Miss America."
Or, this week's gem, "Girls who mightn't understand that I don't appreciate being told I'm a slut in front of my customers, I really don't care how you meant it."
After all: Why would I date a girl that prefers to date men? It implies a lack of taste and discrimination on their part. Men are PIGS. Trust me, I know.
the first time I read this, it made me choke on my orange juice. I'm calling my lawyer.
On the internet, I'm a fucking guttermouth.
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Thank you.

(and stop smirking)
your posse is tres hott
you guys were sooo much fun!!
thank you thank you thank you!!!!