I don't know if any of you have heard of this book, its a children's book. Ive stumbled across it recently and its been made into an animated movie. There are so many famous actors in it including James Franco and Jeff Bridges who is one of my favourites!! The Little Prince is about 70 pages long and you can finish it in a few hours.
This book has touched my heart in a way that i haven't had in a very long time. It speaks on such a high level how as adults we over complicate things. Being a child is so simple, you don't need a complicated explanation for everything in life. Keep it simple and cherish who you hold dear. Especially your loved ones and friends.
The fox got quiet and gazed at the little prince for a long time, then he said:
— ’Please ... tame me! If you tame me, we shall need each other. You will be unique in all the world. It is only with the heart that one can see rightfully. What is essential is invisible to the eye'.
— ’I want to, very much,’ the little prince replied. ’But I do not have much time. I have friends to discover and one too many things to understand.’
— ’One only understands the things that one tames,’ said the fox. "People have no more time to understand anything. They buy ready things at the stores. But there is no shop that sells friendship, and so people no longer have friends. If you want a friend, tame me.’
‒ ’What should I do to tame you?’ the little prince asked.
‒ ’Learn to be patient,’ the fox replied. ’Sit there on the grass at a distance from me. I will look at you, you will say nothing. Words are the source of misunderstandings. You should sit a little closer every day.’
The next day the little prince came back.
‒ ’It is better if you come at the same time,’ said the fox. ’For example, I will feel happy at 3 o’clock if you come at 4. I will show you how happy I am. I shall feel happier and happier every hour. At 4, I will already be worrying and jumping about. I know what happiness is worth! If you come at different times, I will not know when to prepare my heart ... One must observe the proper rites.’
‒ ’What are the rites?’ the little prince asked.
‒ ’These are things people have forgotten,’ the fox explained. ’They are what make one day different from other days, one hour from the others. For instance, the hunters have many rites. They dance with the village women on Thursdays. What a wonderful day Thursday is! I can walk all the way to the vineyards. If the hunters danced whenever they wanted to, all days would be the same, and I would never have a vacation.’
So the little prince tamed the fox. Then it was time to say goodbye.
‒ ’I will cry about you’ the fox sighed.
‒ ’It is your fault,’ the little prince said. ’I did not want to cause you pain. You wanted me to tame you.’
‒ ’Yes, of course,’ said the fox.
‒ ’But you said that you will cry!’ the little prince said.
‒ ’Yes, of course,’ replied the fox.
‒ ’Our friendship has done bad to you,’ the little prince said.
‒ ’No,’ said the fox, "it has done good.