so, I just downloaded the torrent of a group named emocapella's first album...
I'll come back when I've stopped laughing. and pouting over the terrible quality. and debating ordering the physical cd and the second album.
okay, I'm back. and now I'll write a real (though short) post while waiting for my laundry to dry so I can get myself all ready for going out for the rest of the day and night!
I'm infintely glad I'm done my finals. I don't feel terribly insecure about any of them but I guess we'll see what happens when my final marks come in. It's funny, I oscillate between going "Ha! I won't fail anything!" and "I've never failed anything in my life, what am I talking about?" and "Passing and having grades to get into an MSc Audiology in a couple years is not the same thing, foolish female!" Today it's "Grades are irrelevant today!"
Instead of playing FFXII today as planned I played X, because it was in the machine already and I couldn't find XII. It was, of course, in the rack where it was supposed to be, but nuts to that.
As soon as my clothing dries I'm off to bake with my most ... impressive friends. One is at Oxford for her master's. The other is just all around amazing. I always feel like I need to strive harder when I'm around them. It's healthy for me
Then I'm leaving in very short order (I really should've skipped the FFX, since then this baking part wouldn't be cut short. ah well) to go to the Apocalypse Kow Kristmas Kabaret and carol (which is why I'm waiting on my laundry; my uniform shirt was dirty). After that, I'm abducting danny_g and michele to drink with us! I must remember to call home later and find out when my mom wants me to have the car back in the morning. Eww... morning.
(... clearly today I ♥ parentheses and ellipses.)
I'll come back when I've stopped laughing. and pouting over the terrible quality. and debating ordering the physical cd and the second album.
okay, I'm back. and now I'll write a real (though short) post while waiting for my laundry to dry so I can get myself all ready for going out for the rest of the day and night!
I'm infintely glad I'm done my finals. I don't feel terribly insecure about any of them but I guess we'll see what happens when my final marks come in. It's funny, I oscillate between going "Ha! I won't fail anything!" and "I've never failed anything in my life, what am I talking about?" and "Passing and having grades to get into an MSc Audiology in a couple years is not the same thing, foolish female!" Today it's "Grades are irrelevant today!"
Instead of playing FFXII today as planned I played X, because it was in the machine already and I couldn't find XII. It was, of course, in the rack where it was supposed to be, but nuts to that.
As soon as my clothing dries I'm off to bake with my most ... impressive friends. One is at Oxford for her master's. The other is just all around amazing. I always feel like I need to strive harder when I'm around them. It's healthy for me

(... clearly today I ♥ parentheses and ellipses.)
Things have been pretty good this week. But I'm looking forward to seeing people again. Sitting around my parents' basement is only appealing for so long.
And Smuffy predicted romantic stuff in my future so I'm anxious to see if she's right.
And fadge was (as far as I can recall): "like a twat... only with more fffffffff"
I'm TOTALLY taking credit for "chortling cockbag". Only a day into the year and I've already conquered it. Fuck yeah.