Well, the house hunting has sucked monkey balls.
All the houses look good on the outside, but at soon as you go in, there filled with roaches, a 3 bedroom has turned into a 12 bedroom with rooms like 4X4, just enough to lay down in.

So im gonna be moving in with my boy scott. Which i guess is good that Im getting away...
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Thank you for your comment on my hopeful set. And your right, not many 19 year olds can say they bought a house when the were 19...
Thanks darlin. I appreciate it.
Well, tomorrow is the big day.
I am going house shopping with a Realtor!
I went around and "pre" looked at some i like on the internet, till i got there to see how much a shit hole they really were. I did find three that I like, one which i feel in LOVE with.
So wish me luck!
I have to find a place...
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Im good darlin', how are you!?

Good luck on the house! Let me know how it goes.
omg no friggen way! corey just did my fleur de lis on my finger! i have known him for a while now, back when Zeb used to work there. what a small friggen world.....
You know you're from NOVA "northern virginia" when...

Speed limits are just suggestions

You have at least two friends who have no idea what their relatives do...because its "top secret" government work

Most of your senior class wend to Mason, JMU, Tech, VCU or UVA

When people ask where you're from, you tell them DC because its easier to explain

You've never told someone you're...
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its the classy brand of guys i tend to meet from DC to fredericksburg! such winners!!!
hello there!
I dunno know what it is about this song, but i am hooked. I have listened to it probably 10 times today..
What do you think?

Five Finger Death Punch - The Bleeding

I remember when all the games began.
Remember every little lie
and every last goodbye.
Promises you broke, words you choked on
and I never walked away. Its still a mystery to...
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thanx for commentign my set!!! love love
I just played it not thinking then went ... motograter?!? *confused* then saw it was the singer from motograter! OH SNAP! HOTT!! Awesome song.
Travis Barker Rocks the Soulja Boy
Well I made it back alive yaaaaaaaaa...
1150 miles total round trip and GAS PRICES SUCK BIG FAT DONKEY DICK!

Seen some cool shit, like a elk, never seen a wild one before, heard some coyotes, which was like something out of a scary movie cause it was like 2am and it sounded like there was thousands of them.

So on my way back I...
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Ive never been to TN.. hmm, I took 2 years of Spanish too, I can still speak a little bit of it though. I took 2 years of Italian more recently and dont remember thing though haha.
Well another shitty week has ended, my trucks window got stuck down, then my radio quit, then i got a flat tire....but its all good, IM GOING ON VAC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

See you all in a week!
Im heading down to the back woods of Tennessee to go 4 wheelin, get drunk, fuck with some rednecks, whatever comes along!

If something happens to my while im gone,...
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I just wanted to thank you for the comment you left me the other week on my pics, that was sweet of you smile

Hope you enjoy your vacation!!!
My soulmate and how things should be & feel:

I need to feel like I'm on my first date when I'm ready to go see her, everytime I go.... When I leave, I want to miss her.....

When I'm with her, when she speaks, I want to hear what shes saying..... When shes quite next to me, I want to still hear her speak...

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that is so sweet. I know you'll find her one day
The good thing is that if we girls see a tag we don't care for we can remove it lickity split!! But yeah it is total horse shit that people leave tags or comments like that in the first place...
Don't you just feel this way sometimes?

Fuck The World - ICP

Fuck you, fuck me, fuck us
Fuck Tom, fuck Mary, fuck Gus
Fuck Darius
Fuck the west coast, and fuck everybody on the east
Eat shit and die, or fuck off at least
Fuck pre-schoolers, fuck rulers
Kings and Queens and gold jewelers
Fuck wine coolers
Fuck chickens, fuck ducks
Everybody in your...
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I just want to be left alone and blast my music loud as hell when I feel like that. I feel better afterwards smile

Yeah man, those "old timers" have a lot stories to tell!
I understand that Scissors can beat Paper, and I get how Rock can beat Scissors, but there's no fucking way Paper can beat Rock. Paper is supposed to magically wrap around Rock leaving it immobile? Why the hell cant paper do this to scissors? Screw scissors, why can't paper do this to people? Why aren't sheets of college-ruled notebook paper constantly suffocating students as they...
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paper IS magical. duh.