My good-bye post.

If anyone cares here is some of my contact info:

my MySpace - Don't use it very much, but check it occasionally


AIM: SeduceTheWeak - never really on, just on my cell but anyone who I have actually talked to on here can message away

and lastly email (hmm which one to use...) er okay

seducetheweak@yahoo.com - tis a new account...
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Good luck. I will missing reading about you and your life. You have my email address email if you want/need to chat.

Please try to be positive, you have a lot to offer, and try not to be shy or negative. Be open to people and smile a little too. When you get your MD let me know I am always looking for a good doctor.
awww...i'll miss you too.

i'm totally going to keep in contact with you. who else is gonna show you around seattle?

have good days sister!
I'm going to Orientation early in the morning! eeek
and then? skull
Working at the nursing home today was kinda depressing. Most of my favorite residents are now in wheelchairs! frown
First I saw Mr. Cornell come in with his son wheeling him in and I was almost heart broken when I saw him. He remembered me and waved smiling back. He musta been pretty handsome when he was younger because man...his eyes are a piercing light blue...
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I forgot... "What am I married to you whatcha mean did I clean like I said I would" I cleaned and the place looks good. Damn kids I am so wiping out social security on you! tongue tongue tongue tongue tongue tongue
Molly has reached the pinnacle of her career she will never rise above her current level. There are probably no servers left that started with her. The only way to survive around her it not to discuss your bright future, do your job well following all the rules, and do not discuss her with anyone anyone from work. Molly if she learns of how little you think of her will make your life miserable.

This job is about learning to work with people not serving food! Lesson concluded. Be good and you will go far.
I feel so refreshed right now. My neck and back were killing me the entire day. I wasn't well rested, I went to bed at 4am this morning and woke up at about 10:30am. skull
I usually never stay awake that late but I was organizing all my things. I had 3 boxes of my shit and my desk were still just lying in the living...
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If you are on a cleaning kick please feel free to drop by the apartment is a mess and needs a major cleaning. I think I shall start cleaning after this entry.

You are sick what is wrong? Feel better.
This is going to be a long one, I'll try to make it as coherent as possible.

Alright so I have an old friend of mine. We actually use to be best friends in middle school through the first two years of high school. A lot has changed and I can't help but ask for other people's opinion.

First of all she's not continuing her...
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Feel better now I hope. Your friend sounds like an idiot. I have some more comments but I need to take the babies for their walk or they will tear the apartment apart.

Having fun is not dorky and I am glad you had a good time.