This time - I would like to introduce @sabien !
A "Hopeful" since 2012 - her time has come! Let's go give her sets some serious love and get her PINK!
So - Imagine my surprise when I found a Hopeful who has been a Hopeful since 2004... and she's still not pink! This amazingly beautiful young lady is @starphire! She has !!!12!!! sets out there, folks, so let's get out there and show some love and get @starphire PINK!
Sets include:
Mosquito Coast,Pastel City,Blue My Mind, Spooky and Sweet,...
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Okay, folks, today I am shining the spotlight on two more Hopefuls! The first is @lolalusty - who has been a Hopeful since 2013. She has two Hopeful sets - Pearl Necklace, Capture Me, and now - the newly released Mob Boss! So... go give those sets (and her) some love!
The second Hopeful in the spotlight today is @rachybabyx - another...
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This young lady has been a Hopeful since 2009!!! WTH, GUYS!!!??? She's still active on the site - which shows that she's got what it takes to go pink! Get out there and give @rosie some luv!!!
Room Service
OK - Ya'll - @nox_ has been a "hopeful" since 2012 - a two year wait is ENOUGH. Go give her two sets: Heywood and Mischief Managed some love!
Ok folks - time to get THIS YOUNG LADY a set of the day! Check out Hestia and the three sets she currently has posted.
Let's get some love going for THIS Hopeful! She's been "hopeful" long enough - time to make her PINK!
And while we're at it - we should be giving some love to this other gorgeous Hopeful too...
How can this young lady STILL only be a "Hopeful"??? Let's show her some love, folks!
The ever adorable Ambz Suicide - with her Amethyst set!
Another SG Hottie that has a couple of sets that are stuck in MR is Joker - both her sets -El Bosc and...
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"You can lead a fool to logic, but you can't make them think..."