So there I was, crawling around under the TV set, reconnecting the 360. I switch it on and it asks me for my gamertag ID.
I have no idea. I normally just start up and click on my icon. Can't remember AT all.
So, I look on the old email account that I registered with, find an old email from Microsoft, and get the info from there.
Then just as I am about to log off I see a new email dated yesterday, 09/08/10 that says "HEY bluegiant, One of your friends reactivated your SuicideGirls Account!"
I haven't been into that account in months, possibly because theres only so much herbal viagra one penis can cope with.
This is Fate!! This is Karma!! This is Synchronicititititytytttttyyyyy (I know how to spell that word, just not when to stop. A bit like
So I'm back. YAY ME!! *woot*
Hello everybody if you're still here. And if you're... um... not.
I have no idea. I normally just start up and click on my icon. Can't remember AT all.
So, I look on the old email account that I registered with, find an old email from Microsoft, and get the info from there.
Then just as I am about to log off I see a new email dated yesterday, 09/08/10 that says "HEY bluegiant, One of your friends reactivated your SuicideGirls Account!"
I haven't been into that account in months, possibly because theres only so much herbal viagra one penis can cope with.
This is Fate!! This is Karma!! This is Synchronicititititytytttttyyyyy (I know how to spell that word, just not when to stop. A bit like
So I'm back. YAY ME!! *woot*
Hello everybody if you're still here. And if you're... um... not.