Well, after yesterdays Keystone Cops meets Modern Artist debacle, it's time to finally install the new bathroom sink. Wish me luck me lovelys!!!!
I've never done it, but it looks as easy as speaking Greek while eating a banana, so I'm not worried.
More later...
Hugging the Porcelain God.
Man this is tough. But...Tom Sawyer effect. I've got others doing it! Not completely, but folks who actually know what they're doing (somewhat) are here helping. We're drilling through concrete and tile, faking it and rigging it best we can. Cat being nozy and curious, trying to sit in everyones lap and watch.
Dust and goop and putty and mold everywhere.
This computer and iced-tea break is a must.
Tune in later for more details>>>>>>
Later: Sculpting little heads out of plumber's putty. Told to stop, so I did. Art is a blissful compulsion.
Later: Two day job. We quit. Wrong bolts, wrong bits.
What does not kill me only serves to make me old, bitter and cranky.
But I know better than that....
All is bliss.
I've never done it, but it looks as easy as speaking Greek while eating a banana, so I'm not worried.
More later...
Hugging the Porcelain God.
Man this is tough. But...Tom Sawyer effect. I've got others doing it! Not completely, but folks who actually know what they're doing (somewhat) are here helping. We're drilling through concrete and tile, faking it and rigging it best we can. Cat being nozy and curious, trying to sit in everyones lap and watch.
Dust and goop and putty and mold everywhere.
This computer and iced-tea break is a must.
Tune in later for more details>>>>>>
Later: Sculpting little heads out of plumber's putty. Told to stop, so I did. Art is a blissful compulsion.
Later: Two day job. We quit. Wrong bolts, wrong bits.
What does not kill me only serves to make me old, bitter and cranky.
But I know better than that....
All is bliss.
Oh, I hope so.
