Earth-air and water...
It was love, as tenderly
As the neck of a turtle
Lunges like an arrow, soft
Wattle. You're worried
That the sail's ravaged.
You're worried like a savage
Toad chewing charcoal
In a sphere, one smooth
Wall all around, a sound
Of flies not dinner and
Black spit, deep-gray
Shade, he
Swallowed. (Something
The world makes, damn it.
Something the world makes
No mind for but in parade
Of beach-withered smile
And mile after mile
Of rosy teeth and kneeling.
Are you blind? Of course
We breathe to see movement
We know egg rushes
We know bed improving stars
Through solid arc of dream-face.
It's a real world we teach, reach.
It's a dead-place full of morning.
It's a warning, not a decoy. Here
Is your patience, earth-air
And water
Folded in
At the graces
Of its edge...)
It was love, as tenderly
As the neck of a turtle
Lunges like an arrow, soft
Wattle. You're worried
That the sail's ravaged.
You're worried like a savage
Toad chewing charcoal
In a sphere, one smooth
Wall all around, a sound
Of flies not dinner and
Black spit, deep-gray
Shade, he
Swallowed. (Something
The world makes, damn it.
Something the world makes
No mind for but in parade
Of beach-withered smile
And mile after mile
Of rosy teeth and kneeling.
Are you blind? Of course
We breathe to see movement
We know egg rushes
We know bed improving stars
Through solid arc of dream-face.
It's a real world we teach, reach.
It's a dead-place full of morning.
It's a warning, not a decoy. Here
Is your patience, earth-air
And water
Folded in
At the graces
Of its edge...)