do you know who your true friends are? theres only one.
do you know where you're going to be ten years from now? hurtling thru the cosmos?
can you truly love someone without hating them? not if you've had sex with them.
is love just a fancy word for compromise? well, Bob, love is like my fucking best dreams, and compromise is just this wicked masochistic fetish i picked up along the way
is sex better when there are no strings attached? i dont mind being a puppet, Bob. and no.
why do things, and then later regret them? because im left handed, and the past is better than the future, and, NO FUCK THAT! JE NE REGRETTE RIEN!
why hold yourself back from something that makes you happy- just because it would make someone else miserable? because i am a miserably bored vindictive bitch? hm, no, i dont think so. im not that kind of girl, Bob!
would you sacrifice a lifetime of happiness for your best friend? Ho sofferto, Bob. i would do it again. (but i know she'd make me happy in the end.)
would you die for the person you loved? yes
even if they didn't truly love you back? god, dont you get it yet? I LIVE FOR THIS SHIT!
would you kill someone for your child? with extreme delicacy, i'm sure
would you go to the police if you were raped by a friend? this is an awful question. i am mentally blocking it.
would you pack up everything and leave everyone behind for all the money in the world? no
would you rather be rich or happy? give the most optimistic answer
would you rather have love or sex? give the most optimistic answer
wold you rather live or die? give the most optimistic answer
is it better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all? not if you can't get over it after several years have gone by and it still effects your dating process.
if you've never had love to begin with, how do you know what you've lost? because i can read about it in books.
is it better to give trust or have people earn your trust? you gotta earn it, man. i am inherently distrustful.
why should you trust anyone if everyone you've met has been deceitful? this question is not applicable to my life, Bob. but thanks for trying.
do you know where you're going to be ten years from now? hurtling thru the cosmos?
can you truly love someone without hating them? not if you've had sex with them.
is love just a fancy word for compromise? well, Bob, love is like my fucking best dreams, and compromise is just this wicked masochistic fetish i picked up along the way
is sex better when there are no strings attached? i dont mind being a puppet, Bob. and no.
why do things, and then later regret them? because im left handed, and the past is better than the future, and, NO FUCK THAT! JE NE REGRETTE RIEN!
why hold yourself back from something that makes you happy- just because it would make someone else miserable? because i am a miserably bored vindictive bitch? hm, no, i dont think so. im not that kind of girl, Bob!
would you sacrifice a lifetime of happiness for your best friend? Ho sofferto, Bob. i would do it again. (but i know she'd make me happy in the end.)
would you die for the person you loved? yes
even if they didn't truly love you back? god, dont you get it yet? I LIVE FOR THIS SHIT!
would you kill someone for your child? with extreme delicacy, i'm sure
would you go to the police if you were raped by a friend? this is an awful question. i am mentally blocking it.
would you pack up everything and leave everyone behind for all the money in the world? no
would you rather be rich or happy? give the most optimistic answer
would you rather have love or sex? give the most optimistic answer
wold you rather live or die? give the most optimistic answer
is it better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all? not if you can't get over it after several years have gone by and it still effects your dating process.
if you've never had love to begin with, how do you know what you've lost? because i can read about it in books.
is it better to give trust or have people earn your trust? you gotta earn it, man. i am inherently distrustful.
why should you trust anyone if everyone you've met has been deceitful? this question is not applicable to my life, Bob. but thanks for trying.

Becka, darling, where are you? I miss you. How are we gonna get Charcuterie to the masses? The masses need Charcuterie. Jesus told me so. (A sly and clever reference to a sly and clever movie. Can you guess which one? If so, you're my hero. If not, you're still my hero.)
Ain't she Sweet?!!