Hey guys im back just wanted to say sorry for not responding i have had a lot of crazy shit going on but im back now so whats up
Hey guys im back just wanted to say sorry for not responding i have had a lot of crazy shit going on but im back now so whats up
omg i cant wait for summer its to cd here this sucks
ready to go out for a bit haven't been out in awhile!!!!
Sooo how do you become pink? Is it how meany likes or comments you get or is it how meany followers bc i'm so ready to become pink!!!!!!!
Hey for the sg since im not pink yet can i take my own pics and put them up or can it only be a set????
so happy new years to all my fans on sg and to all the people who love this site and keep it up and runny and thank you all for ur support love you all and keep the peace and love going around and good luck to everyone trying to become pink i no its stressful and it make u impatient but its all worh...
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so I'm thinking about doing a set in the snow this winter before i leave ks what dose everyone think?!?!???!! Yes or NO ???????