Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end.
My last post on SG. Where to start? What to write? I joined this site for some very painful reasons. I can point fingers, I can lay blame and maybe even accept some blame for why I had to catch my former spouse cheating on me and bragging about it on SG. So, I guess you could say I joined for all the wrong reasons. Why was she drawn to it first? Who knows? Who cares? She went on to form friendships on SG, spending hours each day fucking around on here. In the spring of 2004 she met her future/current husband on this site. Hmmm, strike two for Bankerboy.
With the downward spiral of our relationship seemingly gaining momentum, I found a few true friends on here. Dharmabox, neodrunk and Azrael_Abyss were some of the first peeps on here that I could talk to. Open and frank conversations that were a hard dose of reality to my way of viewing the world. SluttyGoodGirl was there to talk. Little did we both know that she would be facing some of the same issues in time. LilMiSsMOrBiD was there. Always leaving positive comments and encouragement. She also left me my first testimonial, really nice.
After my divorce I moved back to Portland. It was then, and continues to be now, the place I like to call home. I can remember the first night I met someone from SG. It was amaryllis111. We had a good time, had some drinks. Any hesitation I felt in meeting someone from the internet was soon displaced by the thrill of getting to know a new set of friends. Reaching out to the leader of SGPDX, Ryan, I tried to get myself out in the mix. She and hippomonki did more to help me at that time then they probably realize. When a person is so depressed and nothing in their life is going right, it is nice to have friend that you can be yourself around and are there for you no matter what. I appreciate them both for it and continue to thank my lucky stars I met these two incredible women.
As I grew more integrated into SGPDX, I tried to attend a lot of functions, even organizing some. The first big deal was the Christmas party 2004. That was the first time I had met hypnogogic and ladybelmont. A couple so utterly selfless in deed and action, it seemed otherworldly. They hosted the best house party I have been to since college the following 4th of July. To say it was "off the hook" would be selling it short. It was the first night I met the beautiful n8tvegrl, the kick-ass brokenbeatnik and the smoking hot pharmgirl. I don't think I need to go into detail about that night, but I will never forget the sight of phillipetheotter wraped up in a curtain (still on the rod) for his blanket. You know a party is good when you don't sleep and leave the next morning with a smile on your face.
I wish I could take the time to copy my journal entries, I did try and put some thought into each one of them. In the beginning they were to help me cope with what I was dealing with. There were always healthy doses of music, sports, drinks and humor in them. I know you'll miss my engrish.com and onion.com posts, right?
I also wish I could take the time to write more about the people that I call friends on this site, past and present. Each of you on my friends list has touched me in some way. (and some of you in better ways than others)
Catch you on the myspace, if you're so inclined. My home on myspace.
I have not much more to say except fare thee well. Be good to each other.
My last post on SG. Where to start? What to write? I joined this site for some very painful reasons. I can point fingers, I can lay blame and maybe even accept some blame for why I had to catch my former spouse cheating on me and bragging about it on SG. So, I guess you could say I joined for all the wrong reasons. Why was she drawn to it first? Who knows? Who cares? She went on to form friendships on SG, spending hours each day fucking around on here. In the spring of 2004 she met her future/current husband on this site. Hmmm, strike two for Bankerboy.
With the downward spiral of our relationship seemingly gaining momentum, I found a few true friends on here. Dharmabox, neodrunk and Azrael_Abyss were some of the first peeps on here that I could talk to. Open and frank conversations that were a hard dose of reality to my way of viewing the world. SluttyGoodGirl was there to talk. Little did we both know that she would be facing some of the same issues in time. LilMiSsMOrBiD was there. Always leaving positive comments and encouragement. She also left me my first testimonial, really nice.
After my divorce I moved back to Portland. It was then, and continues to be now, the place I like to call home. I can remember the first night I met someone from SG. It was amaryllis111. We had a good time, had some drinks. Any hesitation I felt in meeting someone from the internet was soon displaced by the thrill of getting to know a new set of friends. Reaching out to the leader of SGPDX, Ryan, I tried to get myself out in the mix. She and hippomonki did more to help me at that time then they probably realize. When a person is so depressed and nothing in their life is going right, it is nice to have friend that you can be yourself around and are there for you no matter what. I appreciate them both for it and continue to thank my lucky stars I met these two incredible women.
As I grew more integrated into SGPDX, I tried to attend a lot of functions, even organizing some. The first big deal was the Christmas party 2004. That was the first time I had met hypnogogic and ladybelmont. A couple so utterly selfless in deed and action, it seemed otherworldly. They hosted the best house party I have been to since college the following 4th of July. To say it was "off the hook" would be selling it short. It was the first night I met the beautiful n8tvegrl, the kick-ass brokenbeatnik and the smoking hot pharmgirl. I don't think I need to go into detail about that night, but I will never forget the sight of phillipetheotter wraped up in a curtain (still on the rod) for his blanket. You know a party is good when you don't sleep and leave the next morning with a smile on your face.
I wish I could take the time to copy my journal entries, I did try and put some thought into each one of them. In the beginning they were to help me cope with what I was dealing with. There were always healthy doses of music, sports, drinks and humor in them. I know you'll miss my engrish.com and onion.com posts, right?
I also wish I could take the time to write more about the people that I call friends on this site, past and present. Each of you on my friends list has touched me in some way. (and some of you in better ways than others)
Catch you on the myspace, if you're so inclined. My home on myspace.
I have not much more to say except fare thee well. Be good to each other.

You are the coolest. I will definitely be seein' you on myspace and hopefully in person one of these days!!

Wait. Are you back? Or what? Ah the Stereolab group. Those were the days, eh?