i'm single. i'm pretty depressed actually, i don't know what happened. well i know just what happened, but it feels weird. she changed her status on facebook to single, and it was like an announcement to the world that now she's available. i guess i am too, but i could care less. and it's raining, great.
i walked down to the grocery for food, and my eyes were all like glowing embers in the summer sunshine - i was the annoying customer who took too long and couldn't 'make up their fucking mind. sorry!
i have to work in 3 hours, it just seems like a mistake to try and sleep now. guess i'll give myself permission to dick around on this website in lieu of a good night's sleep!
I had a dream there was a raft and below the raft the water was cold and deep, much deeper than any of the water surrounding the raft. It may not have been a raft, more like a platform floating not far off the shore of some jungly lookin lake. There were dangerous denizens below the raft and I was instructed to steer clear, and...
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meant to be a comment...
i'm going to try and become active... in general, but i say so here because i plan to do so. and i plan to plan for my retirement before i'm too old to get arthritis and wish i could stop working and thinking about space and shit from the comfort of some cot.
nathan barley is well livid
i have such an internerd cursh on you.

i was supposed to go to bed early. fuck that - i slept in until 12 this morning and yah i know my clock is all fucked up what else.
diggin thru old 4-track tapes and found a few gems. one song i had written and forgotten in the same 3 month period in fall of 2001. it's a bit depressing and ironic - although...
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diggin thru old 4-track tapes and found a few gems. one song i had written and forgotten in the same 3 month period in fall of 2001. it's a bit depressing and ironic - although...
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Yea, the last sentence is polish. Professing my love and yet it looks so harsh, eh?
I know newbury's isn't hiring. But I still went and filled out an application today. Doesn't hurt, right?
I know newbury's isn't hiring. But I still went and filled out an application today. Doesn't hurt, right?
everybody i know is dealing with relationship drama. well, mostly everyone - sorry to everyone who has to deal with it all (i know how it is).
on a lighter note, a good friend of mine wrote a beautiful song for is girlfriend's birthday. he's never been serious about anything in his life, and i was nervous that the song would sound cheesy, at least...
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on a lighter note, a good friend of mine wrote a beautiful song for is girlfriend's birthday. he's never been serious about anything in his life, and i was nervous that the song would sound cheesy, at least...
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i've discovered that many of my problems can be solved with a few hours of extra sleep a night. i find that about 10 hours is optimal, but it's important to rise when a sleep cycle has finished - when you sort of wake up and think you'd like to go back to sleep. actually, it seems like 5 hours of sleep might be more...
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Getting stoned and doing anything (besides working) is a wonderful thing. Making out happens to be a perk.

It's by and stars the Monkees. It's extremely fucked up, hard to follow, has no plot, but excellent dialouge. check it out.
my kitty patsy loves grape-tomatoes. she'll lick them in the plastic container, then scoop one out and bat it around the floor like marble, THEN she'll eat it. veggies is good shit, huh?
magic mushrooms, no...
acid trip. beautiful.
acid trip. beautiful.
It was my first trip, but, omygod, I was so one with nature. It was wonderful.