Does anyone know who is going to be on the Blackheart Burlesque Tour this year? It doesn't say on the website. Maybe it's too early?
Lately I am torn between wanting a relationship with someone that I love and being convinced that I am in truth never going to find them and end up dying alone.
I know that if I had to choose between dying alone and settling for someone I didn't love, I would prefer to die alone, door unlocked, friends I see regularly noticing I'm suddenly gone....
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This is a brief acknowledgement that it is really great that the comments sections of the sets on this site are not filled with trolls. The comments sections are just filled with compliments. I never see threats, I never see calls for violence or banishment. If it exists, I don't see it. I just see acceptance and tolerance and comments of everyone and that is...
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submit pictures.
and tell your friends

stop over reacting
im only being a jerk cuz i want attention
im not a for real jerk
just the pretend kind
just love me already!!!