This weekend we saw The Stepford Wives. And indeed, where else can you hide a town of robots, but Connecticut (or New Jersey or my own suburban Chicago). I love a good critique of suburban misogyny and, in my mind at least, this film serves up a decent critique. Nicole Kidmans character (Joanna Eberhard) is not too bad on the scale of feminist constructs. In a genre where the conflict between family and career has been so over emphasized and over legitimized, it was refreshing to see a film where a woman unflinchingly acted upon her own interests.
In other news: my arm is healing. It is slightly remarkable to watch your body fix itself. Im quite enjoying the process. Also, today I went to the Doctor. I got onto the scale and the nurse said, What do you weigh? One-Seventy? One-Eighty? I laughed. She had to adjust the digits a few more times before she zeroed in on my all-time-high of 217.
That is right two-hundred and seventeen glorious pounds of Asunder.
Im so glad to have expanded the me-ness so significantly of late. She poked me in the side and said, Mamas home cooking?
Shes right, mamas home cooking+
Eating out all the time for work+
Airport food+
The eats of sitting Shiva+
Broken arm/no bike+
My junk food hog of a pseudo-girlfriend (who always stays skinny)+
My plan has always been thus: stay fit and trim until I fool some intelligent, lovely, social justice-oriented woman into marrying me, then stack on the pounds until that perfect point where people trust me and Im funny (everybody loves/trusts a portly gentleman), but never get so large that I cant do the outdoor things I love.
If Im to maintain my plan, Ive got some work to do.
My diet will have three prongs:
1.) when youre full, stop eating
2.) do SOMETHING every day
3.) stop eating fabulous, luscious, decadent meals and replace said meals with fabulous, luscious, decadent sex.
In other news: my arm is healing. It is slightly remarkable to watch your body fix itself. Im quite enjoying the process. Also, today I went to the Doctor. I got onto the scale and the nurse said, What do you weigh? One-Seventy? One-Eighty? I laughed. She had to adjust the digits a few more times before she zeroed in on my all-time-high of 217.
That is right two-hundred and seventeen glorious pounds of Asunder.
Im so glad to have expanded the me-ness so significantly of late. She poked me in the side and said, Mamas home cooking?
Shes right, mamas home cooking+
Eating out all the time for work+
Airport food+
The eats of sitting Shiva+
Broken arm/no bike+
My junk food hog of a pseudo-girlfriend (who always stays skinny)+
My plan has always been thus: stay fit and trim until I fool some intelligent, lovely, social justice-oriented woman into marrying me, then stack on the pounds until that perfect point where people trust me and Im funny (everybody loves/trusts a portly gentleman), but never get so large that I cant do the outdoor things I love.
If Im to maintain my plan, Ive got some work to do.
My diet will have three prongs:
1.) when youre full, stop eating
2.) do SOMETHING every day
3.) stop eating fabulous, luscious, decadent meals and replace said meals with fabulous, luscious, decadent sex.
I'm at LaSalle - much to far to bike from center city - both teaching and as a student. I started at Penn, but left after I found my particular program was run by mean-spirited fuckwits.
You're not in the GSE by any chance....are you?
"Fuckin' rich."
Wharton, huh? That's pretty cool. I actually know a few professors there. If you're doing ethics I'll bet you dollars to donughts you'll run into the coolest philosophy professor, ever....
....and I'd give you his name right now....but, fuck me, it's just slipped my mind.
So when's your ETA in Philly and will you be properly mended by then?