I'm practically drunk. My co-workers and I moved out of our old building into the new one (One Bryant Park in NYC), so we decided to celebrate. Now, tomorrow morning is watching "The Dark Knight" for me. I cannot wait. I am so happy to be excited about it!!!! biggrin biggrin biggrin
hopefully. and im SOOOO excited for the dark knight
Nothing much today...just watching the Bonus Disc of Batman: Gotham Knight and History Channel's "Batman Unmasked". All in preparation for the juggernaut that is "The Dark Knight" on saturday.

Tomorrow, I'll be hanging out with my friend for some crepes and Australian Homemade ice cream again. smile
I want an eventful bday this year too!

I cannot wait to see "The Dark Knight" this Saturday!

For now, I'm going through my comic book and trade paperback collection, and realizing I am lacking space. Among other things, I have a few statues, an Ecopod, photography books, art books and books. How you all store your collections for your various hobbies is beyond me, I hope you all have suggestions as to...
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Shingles are looking better. Whew! It wasn't rough, but it's embarassing to go out to public with shingles. Especially people confuse it with herpes (which I don't have, thank you).

So today, I'm already preparing for the weekend. Friday night, I will be hanging out with my dear friend and her kittens (Sammy, Georgie and Oscar). Saturday morning, I'm waking up early to watch "The...
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Awe, thank you. It really was peaceful there-a much needed break from the daily routine. I can't wait to see the Dark Knight. Have a great time there!!
Geez, if you want security from rain AND from people, I have the article for you...about an "Unbreakable Umbrella":

"It's rough out there, and we don't just mean the impending thunderstorms.

Sure, an umbrella will help you with the downpour, but if it's pouring and you're forced to defend your (or her) honor, you shouldn't be bogged down with both an umbrella and a weapon....
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Today was really nice! There aren't that many people around NYC for some reason , so I was glad to shop everywhere in comfort. I went to Barnes and Noble where I wanted to get "A Farewell to Arms" and was interested in a book "Harlem Speaks"and um "The Backyard Birdsong Guide". I went to Bed Bath and Beyond to browse, and then went to...
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What was the street festival? I went to the Bastille Day festival in Brooklyn today.
Hello all, the street fair name was called "Friends of Community Board 1" I wish it was something for Bastille Day! smile I would have loved to try out new foods and drinks. biggrin
I didn't go the Salvation event due to my friend being sick, I hope she's feeling better, knowing her, she must have been stressed out due to work. I work with her, so I know she was under a lot of pressure. I know I can go on my own, but I decided to cheer her up with silly e-mails.

I did watch Hellboy 2...
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Today = It's Friday! Also, an announcement of another party! I'm still exhausted from the MET party yesterday, but tomorrow night is yet another one!

So, tomorrow, I will attend a Industrial/Goth bi-weekly event in NYC called Salvation:http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=264027648

The guest DJ is Ronan of VNV Nation! If you're familiar with VNV Nation you know you would love to come to this party!

If you're not...
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Whew! I finally managed to come home!

The party at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NY was a nice affair, I got to see several exhibits: the regular Greek and Roman Art wing, the Arts of Africa, Oceania and the Americas, the rooftop terrace displaying the "Jeff Kooms on the Roof" exhibit and last, but not least, the "Superheroes and Fashion" exhibit.

The 'Superheroes...
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thanks me too heh... so much easier wink
Nice pics!!!
smile thanks for the comment... I will think about that kiss
Yeah, sure, I'm still suffering from shingles, but I still have to go out. My skin is looking better now, which is awesome.

Tonight, I discovered four new places:

-Creperie at 135 Ludlow Street. (Best crepes ever in NYC.)
-Spitzer's Corner having "Old Speckled Hen" on tap at 101 Rivington St. No relation to the disgraced ex-New York governor (www.spitzerscorner.com)
-Sympathy for the Kettle at...
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And finally, Australian HomeMade (http://www.australianhomemade.nl/index.asp), a ice cream shoppe with the best chocolate ice cream ever! It' located at 115 Saint Marks Place.

I want some!!! smile

And that showcase sound great!!!
I wish we have that kind of things in my city... blackeyed
I keep intending to go see that exhibit. Let me know how it is.
Itchy...I got shingles. UGH!!!!
Damn, that's terrible. Well don't make your day any worse by crashing your bike, because I'm probably not much good at fixing it. I mean, I try, and fail. But thanks for your sweet comment!
Thanks for the well wishes!
I hate most of the guys in our tech support.. mainly because they treat me like a moron, when I'm not.

Then I realised, that i'm the minority. Those poor fuckers have to deal with a large volume of morons every day!