Wtf is with ppl these days?!
Im fuckin serious!!
Almost everyone I know is on my current "shitlist" for some reason or another. 90% of them are on it for simple RUDENESS that could have been avoided easily.
For example .. one of the most popular fuckups lately is the "MAKE PLANS THEN DISSAPEAR" fuckup. When your "so called friend" makes plans with you .. then when you call them to hookup for said plans, you go straight to their voicemail. Of course they couldnt just PICKUP the phone to tell you the plans have changed, oh no! Its much too difficult for these ppl. They just assume you'll get the idea when your call isnt accepted, isnt that so fuckin lovely?
Why is it so difficult to say whats on your mind? You know .. sometimes my friends are sitting around me and when their phones ring, they just pretend theyre not around and let it go to their voicemail. Is it so hard to just pickup the phone and say "I dont wanna talk to you"?
Im dead tired of ppl making "fake ass plans" with me instead of real fuckin plans. If you say you're going to do something ... DO IT!! If youre not gonna do it .. or even if you're not sure, dont open your pie muncher!!
Im tired of sitting around here, wondering why everyone I know seems to ditch plans with me. I am through asking myself what their deal is, wondering if I had said something wrong, or made them mad .. or wondering if Im a lamer and thats why they dont wanna chill. SCREW THAT!! I am NOT lame, not in the slightest bit!! Hell, Im probably the coolest chick in the midwest .. or at least in the top 40.
By the way .. I cut all my hair off. Thats right. Its short now. And yeah .. I hate it, but what can ya do? At least I can still wear my hair extensions to cover that shit up.
~Do you ever go out without your sig other? If you dont have one, would you?
~What is your perspective on why this world has gone to utter shit?
Im fuckin serious!!
Almost everyone I know is on my current "shitlist" for some reason or another. 90% of them are on it for simple RUDENESS that could have been avoided easily.
For example .. one of the most popular fuckups lately is the "MAKE PLANS THEN DISSAPEAR" fuckup. When your "so called friend" makes plans with you .. then when you call them to hookup for said plans, you go straight to their voicemail. Of course they couldnt just PICKUP the phone to tell you the plans have changed, oh no! Its much too difficult for these ppl. They just assume you'll get the idea when your call isnt accepted, isnt that so fuckin lovely?
Why is it so difficult to say whats on your mind? You know .. sometimes my friends are sitting around me and when their phones ring, they just pretend theyre not around and let it go to their voicemail. Is it so hard to just pickup the phone and say "I dont wanna talk to you"?
Im dead tired of ppl making "fake ass plans" with me instead of real fuckin plans. If you say you're going to do something ... DO IT!! If youre not gonna do it .. or even if you're not sure, dont open your pie muncher!!
Im tired of sitting around here, wondering why everyone I know seems to ditch plans with me. I am through asking myself what their deal is, wondering if I had said something wrong, or made them mad .. or wondering if Im a lamer and thats why they dont wanna chill. SCREW THAT!! I am NOT lame, not in the slightest bit!! Hell, Im probably the coolest chick in the midwest .. or at least in the top 40.
By the way .. I cut all my hair off. Thats right. Its short now. And yeah .. I hate it, but what can ya do? At least I can still wear my hair extensions to cover that shit up.
~Do you ever go out without your sig other? If you dont have one, would you?
~What is your perspective on why this world has gone to utter shit?
I hope things are going well for you.
Much love.
Okay, here goes.
People are flaky now, due to the fact that media and our culture as a whole has encouraged a sense of instant gratification that is unhealthy. In essence, no one understands the merits of delayed gratification anymore...that is, good things come to those who wait...they want things instantly or not at all.
You are not alone in your frustration. The problem is that we have a culture that in its insistence to make as much money as possible has exploited the base desires and motivations of humanity to further its own selfish ambitions...without realizing the long-term consequences of said actions.