so i depart for the UK tonight.

preparations for my leaving have been made and i am in the required fucked up and hungover state that is always neccesary.

i met some crazy people last night;

stokes, the young kid in town, the big smoke for a girl and a fight.

miss t, the respectable and beautiful woman whose interests should definately not lie anywhere...
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i miss you.
you've been in my thoughts too often.

i had a strange spiritual trip/experience on saturday night.

you where there.

it made me happy.
my king,

did you know i called you that?
the night i talked to the gods.
you were my king alexander.
they showed me you.

me engrossed in my champagne lucid dreaming overshadowed by caberet and dimly lit lighting.
breaks into the lightning and rain and my thoughts were solely focused on you.
wide open smiles and feminine movements.
they watched me.
and wondered what i was thinking about.
and i was thinking of you.

fast paced movements in the rain.
for some strange intuitive worry overcame me.
stay safe for me.
please take care.
i do worry so.
especially now.
and now.
in my deluded dreaming.
the words keep falling away.
and so.
over minutes
i just purely stare.
for it seems like there is not enough time to devour you.

i wished to tell you.
about saturday night.
from eleven pm to the early hours.
where they took my mind and showed me things.
i asked about you.
and they showed me you.
they showed me a infinite familiar past.
and for as long as i can remember.
i felt secure.

perhaps these words are to heavy.
i do not know.
and frankly, i do not care.
i give you freedom alexander.
to run.

fate played with my sanity.
and for once, i prefer to dismiss my rational mind to play with insanity.
for it is a far more beautiful world.

i was in the cab tonight.
and i was planning on writing you another letter. and scanning it. and posting it.
so you can see the deliberate slow way your name is formed.
and the rushed chaotic script you create.

i wanted you to see the way i write.
how when i write to you the words curl and link and flow.
and how different to the staccato masculine strokes of my daily handwriting differ to that.

god i worry now.
and furiously.
and selfishly.
please take care.

i've never seen you but i've seen.
i've never heard you but i've heard.
i've never felt you but i feel you.

you dont realise how unkowingly i worried this evening.
and now coming on here.
and seeing your hurt.
worries me.
bothers me.
and while i smile in sadistic amuesment at your potential pirate grin.
i dont know alexander.

i just want to talk to you and i can't.
i want to touch you and i cant.
i will.
but not now.
this insanity torments.

and please know.
no man ever glimpses what could be unveiled.
i fuck them to emphasize the borders, distinctions, opposites in my mind.

i'm stupidly vunerable.
my intelligence has betrayed me.

please, please, please take care.
enjoy yourself.
but look after that beautiful mind.

so my king.
enjoy england.
enjoy europe.
enjoy your wide and intoxicating muse.

always thinking of you.
and now perhaps,
always feeling you,

your insane queen,

i keep touching the screen.
even though your not behind it.

[Edited on Jun 15, 2005 11:10PM]
Ah zombies, zombies everywhere.

1.Explosions and fire.

When faced with large groups of zombies find all flammable items and fuel and any ignition devices. Chemistry will do the rest. Do this systematically and periodically and actually make an attempt to exterminate zombies from your surrounding area.

Remember many things are flammable; including human flesh.

2. Weapons.

When preparing to attack zombies, blunt and edged hand...
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hey you arrive all kinds of soon

how long you gonna be in london for?
yeah - let's get all kinds of boozy when you hit town ARRR!!!

Behind the thinnest vein
at the edges shadow,
the wolf in your heart

The wolf is hunting.

Under the strongest fist
at the line of sanity,
the wolf in your heart

The wolf is hunting.

The wolf is hunting.

Above the highest hope
at the brink of faith,
the wolf in your heart

The wolf is hunting.

The wolf is hunting...
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fell asleep thinking of you.
woke up thinking of you.
looked at the moon just before and thought of you.

12:30 my time is excellent.

take care as always.

its always a pleasure to dance for you
so, i have finished work. yay!
insert excitement.

now back to the evil bitch that is my novel.
how i love her so, my novel. yes. bitch.
and if it werent against the holy laws of god and man i would have a threesome with my electric, acoustic and bass guitars. baby.

i need to get out more, or less. i am not sure which...
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Thankyou, the welcome is appreicated. I am fairly confused by this whole process. But the suicide girls are so very pretty and are worth the trouble. This whole journal thing is a welcome bonus, as is this odd comments experience.

I am very pleased. As is the Ghost.

Oh, btw, I think it was a man, but I really don't know. Hums good though. It's...
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Welcome boymeat kiss
I like your output, you are welcome to dirty up my journal anytime with thoughts and peeks. whichwhatever.
I once had a ghost, but i got rid of her she was weighing me down.