Wednesday Jul 27, 2005 Jul 27, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email Z VIEW 8 of 8 COMMENTS morgannahh: sounds divine.... Jul 30, 2005 highresolution: shorty, all is finally arranged. i shall arrive 12:55pm friday, and check into the prince hotel in st kilda for friday and saturday nights. they have pretty rooms. i'll be leaving on sunday at around 3pm. i'm scared shitless. but also very deludedly excited. you take care boy. talk to you soon. - pippa. [Edited on Aug 01, 2005 12:45PM] Jul 31, 2005
all is finally arranged.
i shall arrive 12:55pm friday, and check into the prince hotel in st kilda for friday and saturday nights.
they have pretty rooms.
i'll be leaving on sunday at around 3pm.
i'm scared shitless.
but also very deludedly excited.
you take care boy.
talk to you soon.
- pippa.
[Edited on Aug 01, 2005 12:45PM]