Oh yeah, baby. Oh yeah!.
Shame the thumping wasn't on the TV live though. Would have stayed up for it. I love the sports but within reason. The Chinese Grand Prix was on live in the middle of the night but I didn't watch it because I ha dto work and I'm a professional.
A shitty video feed of the Bears slaughter of the Seahags was live over the internet for $25. Could have listened to the radio as well. The hardcore UK Bears fan would have (and probably did). I didn't but I'm reasonable. If I'm at the computer at some ungodly hour in the morning (like 8AM or something) you can bet I'm either writing or doing something equally as productive and just as messy. Sleep rocks. Especially when I'm uncovering conspiracies with Al Pacino and matching him swear word for swear word while watching strippers. That is fun.
Speaking of douchebags taking sports too seriously...
The dude above has issues. Serious issues. And his team lost the next game also. Tee-hee
For 21 years I avoided cheesecake like the plague. The idea of cakes and cheese was an idea I found revolting. Kinda like the walnut whip. For this I blame the scabby old crones that called themselves cooks at my first primary school. If I had to compare their cheesecakes to something I'd compare them to mouldy cheese pissed on by a scraggy alley cat on a thick layer of reconstituded camel jizz. (You'd be surprised what we Dunrossness lot experienced in our formative years). Most foul.
Then along comes Sunday at work. Robert serves up a dessert. The conversation goes like this:
Me: What's this?
Him: Vanilla and chocolate chip cheesecake.
(One delicious mouthful and a bite from the cheesecake later...)
Me: Why the feck do they call this cheesecake?
Robert: You're not about to get all Phil Kay on me are you?
21 years I've had this grudge against cheesecake. And just like my grudges against shoes with laces, Pat Summerall and books without pictures later I see how irrational my hatred was. This only intensifies my grudge against the incompetent dinner ladies at my first school. If any of you happen upon this happening I just want you all to know that you suck. Yes that will do. Can't find it in me to really bust their chops without coming across like that demented psycho who shoots the Amish.
Right five quick reasons to love life:
One (A) One (B)
Um, what else? Seek out this Manga called Death Note because it be dope/really good. Always use electrical cord-based strimmers over electrical blade-based strimmers to cut grass with because if you manage run over the extention cord with the cord-based one, the extention cord will beat it's ass to smithereens thus preventing electrical death. Never underestimate the power of the almighty bunghole and that's it.
Take it away... Joe!
C'mon Daniel. Do it for the nerds. C'MON!!!
Shame the thumping wasn't on the TV live though. Would have stayed up for it. I love the sports but within reason. The Chinese Grand Prix was on live in the middle of the night but I didn't watch it because I ha dto work and I'm a professional.
Speaking of douchebags taking sports too seriously...
The dude above has issues. Serious issues. And his team lost the next game also. Tee-hee
For 21 years I avoided cheesecake like the plague. The idea of cakes and cheese was an idea I found revolting. Kinda like the walnut whip. For this I blame the scabby old crones that called themselves cooks at my first primary school. If I had to compare their cheesecakes to something I'd compare them to mouldy cheese pissed on by a scraggy alley cat on a thick layer of reconstituded camel jizz. (You'd be surprised what we Dunrossness lot experienced in our formative years). Most foul.
Then along comes Sunday at work. Robert serves up a dessert. The conversation goes like this:
Me: What's this?
Him: Vanilla and chocolate chip cheesecake.
(One delicious mouthful and a bite from the cheesecake later...)
Me: Why the feck do they call this cheesecake?
Robert: You're not about to get all Phil Kay on me are you?
21 years I've had this grudge against cheesecake. And just like my grudges against shoes with laces, Pat Summerall and books without pictures later I see how irrational my hatred was. This only intensifies my grudge against the incompetent dinner ladies at my first school. If any of you happen upon this happening I just want you all to know that you suck. Yes that will do. Can't find it in me to really bust their chops without coming across like that demented psycho who shoots the Amish.
Right five quick reasons to love life:
One (A) One (B)
Um, what else? Seek out this Manga called Death Note because it be dope/really good. Always use electrical cord-based strimmers over electrical blade-based strimmers to cut grass with because if you manage run over the extention cord with the cord-based one, the extention cord will beat it's ass to smithereens thus preventing electrical death. Never underestimate the power of the almighty bunghole and that's it.
Take it away... Joe!
C'mon Daniel. Do it for the nerds. C'MON!!!
Cheesecake makes life worth living, and so does this:
wow i dont think ive ever met anyone that hated cheesecake...that shit is the best..i could eat it everyday of my life. wow my mouth just got watery just thinking about it