Getting out of the active navy soon, with my current plan to attend UNLV in the fall in pursuit of my engineering degree. And on the plus side I should be able to start working out again on a routine basis...

Unfortunately, being an engineer and long working hours resulted in me losing a ton of muscle mass. I literally have worked every day for...
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So old friends from back high school and I are planning on a Vegas trip once I get back home from leave. First time I've seen any of them in about a year... So freaking excited to finally see some familiar faces. :D


For only four whole days, unfortunately. :(

My ship is currently broken (been that way for the past year,) and in order to continue getting my qualifications and relieve my supervisors (who are leaving within a month) I'm going to another ship for a few days to learn how to run fuel management aboard a naval vessel. Should be fun, and hopefully sometime soon I...
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Well I guess that's better than not at all, right? I hope you enjoy your training :)
Just another guy, probably a dime a dozen on here, but have loved the women of suicide girls since they started up that I firgured it was high time that I actually managed to start up an account.